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Everything posted by Kudasai

  1. I just really want a change of scenery and there's something about Arizona that appeals to me some reason.
  2. Haven't figured out the details but I can for certain say that my time in Michigan will be coming to an end
  3. Sorry to hear that. Everyone here has your back if you ever need to talk. And to answer your question I've made it known that I plan on moving to Arizona sometime in the future. Hopefully in a rural spot.
  4. Wondering if I should go ahead shoot my shot at her
  5. Viva la Angel Dust!
  6. Sorry Quebec
  7. Barking at strangers and speaking in tongues
  8. Just remembering that there was once a time that I refused to eat bean sprouts because I someone told me that there were actually worms.
  9. Time to grow the beard out again
  10. I'll post a serious answer for once I few customers hook me up with Thanksgiving dinner. One brought me plate and other gave me a turkey which I gave to one of coworkers
  11. For Valentines Day? The answer is nothing
  12. I'm shocked because I didn't Ken Holland had it in him to fire a coaching seeing as how he's never done it before but then again what better way to save your own job by throwing your coach under the bus
  13. I'm still trying to figure out how did the Leafs manage to lose Game 7 at home to this dumpster fire of a franchise
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