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Everything posted by lupin_bebop

  1. I do the same thing, too. I pretty much always pour a second bowl. Doesn't matter what cereal I'm eating. I'm NOT lactose intolerant, but I AM intolerant to turkey bacon and weak shit like that.
  2. How? Take my fucking eyeballs out and turn them around? You could try, I don't know.....going out and TALKING to women in a non-creepy manner. Then again, this is you we're talking about. Your best chances are a Fleshlight, birthing agent, and fuzzy softcore cable porn.
  3. THIS nigga.
  4. .......Yet it's a mystery why you can't get any. You're basically the GHB version of Ted Cruz.
  5. .................Not worth it. ?
  6. Why?
  7. American Dream that shit. Make a buck. ?
  8. Too bad you don't have "Human Decency" on there
  9. My favorite part of this is the fact EVERYONE has the SAME motherfucking reaction. ?
  10. Oh Lord......where to start here...... It could be that he, just like the majority of people here, are fed up with your shit? Or, maybe it's because you kill animals? Maybe it's your general acting like Courtney Love on a coke bender. Possibly, it's because you're being a thirsty cunt, acting like he's the fucking Pacific Ocean. Maybe it's because your crusty snatch is online every 13 seconds. Maybe it's the fact you're fake as fuck. Fuck if I know I just know he's not annoyed with you for no reason.
  11. What was that? I wasn't paying attention.
  12. Pffffft. That's me everyday.
  13. I'm my own daddy.
  14. I'm almost always naked while posting.
  15. I did too.
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