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Everything posted by lupin_bebop

  1. Careful on which mods you install, as some of them will lock you out of achievements/gamerscore. Most graphics ones won't, but some will.
  2. Yes. It has been. Welcome. Namaste.
  3. I'm happy I didn't have to work this weekend. I get time and a half tomorrow, so it evens out.
  4. Yes. It is a good game. Yes, it's worth playing. I think it's better than most of the Fallout games. Not so much New Vegas, but the original Fallout 3, yes.
  5. No shit. Everyone saw that bit of cinematic mastery. It is a cinematic masterpiece. It's exactly what modern cinema should be. It set a very high bar.
  6. lupin_bebop

    Pokémon Go

    I haven’t caught a single shiny during Adventure Week, and don’t expect to. My area doesn’t really have shiny shit. Though, where I work is a spawn camp for Eevees, Pikachus, and Makuhita
  7. LULZ
  8. Oh no. I know ALL ABOUT that 2 month forced vacation you had. Trust me. I know that yarn you spun is bullshit, too. Especially on a TAs salary. I know you’re full of shit, so I treat you accordingly. Get used to it. I wonder how much you spent on lotion and tissues.....
  9. Yeah. It is a fairy tale. Just like a woman who will have sex with you.
  10. If got a fever...
  11. lupin_bebop


  12. They really haven’t changed.
  13. Doctor P, Ephixa, Bassment Jaxx, Zomboy—Dubstep
  14. That’s basically like punching the person signing off on your community service hours.
  15. You know.....this is pretty sad....kinda like that one infomercial......
  16. lupin_bebop

    Pokémon Go

    Yes. I am still playing. Yes. I have caught Ditto. It’s usually disguised as a Ratatta or Pidgey. That was part of an event going on in November.
  17. How so? Most people complain about cost or the like. I complain about how they affect gameplay. That is actually better/more legit criticism than the tripe that normally gets spewed about cost, rarity, or ability to obtain them. You have a better one? Present it.
  18. The remake wasn’t really tougher. They got it closer to the Japanese release difficulty, but it’s not more difficult. I’ve played both releases. It’s only more difficult because of frame rate. That’s about it.
  19. Diablo 3 has ALWAYS been a solid title. People were just naysayers because they are the same ones who like original Star Wars trilogy movies like they are the ONLY movies. I loved Diablo 3. Still do. I love the Loot 2.1 system, too. They have listened to feedback and adjusted accordingly. Even added the Necromancer back.
  20. They already have this. HIs name is "Post Malone"
  21. lupin_bebop


  22. Yep. I stopped playing it last year. Mostly because it's the same shit over and over again. They added a couple new maps, but it's mostly just cosmetic skins and bullshit you can get with bounties and coins. The loot boxes don't even give you any advantages, stages, or even anything really worthwhile. There's a reason I stick to Diablo 3 and other, BETTER games.
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