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Everything posted by lupin_bebop

  1. Sigh.......you obviously didn't see Super Troopers.
  2. Gone because of minimal interest, just like the cable channel.
  3. She's not a vegan, Farva, you dumb fuckhead.
  4. Yeah......that is 100% bullshit. Trust me, she'll fuck you a couple of times, really good....then, when you start going steady.....she'll start suggesting vegan bullshit and kale. It's a slow process, but it is always the same.
  5. Well, no. I'm a little miffed that I can't go this year (because I no longer work for the media), but it's not a big deal. I'm going to another con, so I'll be busy.
  6. It's not HER that will be doing the running.
  7. SIGH.......Dude....just get the dick wet and keep doing so. She already has a pussy.....she doesn't need another one.
  8. Obviously she wanted Naraku dick....so......what is the problem?
  9. So........good. Congratulations. You FINALLY smashed on a chick.
  10. Actually, it's probably legal where you are. Just not past a certain size.
  11. Yes. E3 is in 2 weeks. It's even open to the public this year, just like last year, so it's well documented when the dates are. E3 is basically for watching big name developers and studios masturbate themselves as vigorously as possible. PAX is amazing. You're just a moron who is bad at games. PAX has a lot more indie developers and smaller titles, with some bigger ones here and there. PAX is centered around the industry as a whole. GDC is the Game Developer's Conference. It's there for all of your game developers to talk about the industry innovations on and technologies. Most of your juiciest reveals are done here and E3.
  12. Sure.......I think you're confusing E3 with PAX/GDC
  13. ........................You even sabotaged that?
  14. K.
  15. Naraku fucks up his possible chances in 3........ 2........
  16. E3 is 2 weeks from now.
  17. Yep. Healthy food has always inaccessible to those who don't make $50K+ a year. Why pay $10 for a salad when you can get 3 double cheeseburgers, 2 large fries, a drink and ice cream for the same price?
  18. You could even sell what's left, and make more cash. HUZZAH.
  19. Yeah. They could've just waited until E3, but they couldn't help but to blow their wad early.
  20. Which is stupid. Realistically, if you want to mod graphics things, I recommend applying for a job with them. That's me, though.
  21. I guess It's time for me to keep up with you again? LULZ
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