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Everything posted by cyberbully

  1. I took today off so I could wax me a 4 day weekend since I technically worked on the 4th.......I don't work outside, but I do work in electronic generated heat year round so I think I feel your pain....But not really, because FUCK outside.
  2. Please. Stop calling yourself that
  3. I just checked, Seige is the only one waiting for me to play...It's your move
  4. I did...I played....I will do that shit with anyone
  5. That's not what I was doing, but I refuse to be dishonest with the whys of myself. It wasn't about him...About me.
  6. Offing yourself is a bit of a far cry from what I meant, but we'll just stall this ship here.
  7. I can see where that may have come off as trollish, and understand....I give no fucks about anyone here outside of my personal entertainment....But you are scary. Not like I'm scared of you, scary....But I don't wanna push you over the edge scary.
  8. I'm not gonna be that guy....I wanna be that guy but I'm not......Welcome back
  9. Stick to these kinds of threads....Anything more intense makes you turn into the Noid
  10. Only if she's never had a phone until cellphones came out....Don't be dumb.
  11. They don't have phones in the "all our houses are owned" ghetto
  12. I sure he finds a bald man with a rat tail just as hilarious
  13. yes...Just don't try to buy or sell it on the boards.....Should go without saying but people are stupid.
  14. She posted this at like 10 last night.....As stupid as she is, I don't think she thought the family cookout was in 30 minutes.
  15. well that's just fanfuckintastic. Why can't I delete my own fucking posts
  16. double posting pos
  17. LOL, the first rule on tinder for dudes is to swipe right on everyone and prey on the loneliest bitches who take the bait. Super lol at her using her Easter pic on tinder....Like that's the only day she didn't look like she had the fucking mumps with all that fucking makeup on
  18. LOL, the first rule on tinder for dudes is to swipe right on everyone and prey on the loneliest bitches who take the bait. Super lol at her using her Easter pic on tinder....Like that's the only day she didn't look like she had the fucking mumps with all that fucking makeup on
  19. I had to google this because I didn't think he was tall....bt he's apparently 6'4
  20. She wasn't invited again.....And who the fuck does she think she's fooling with that 30ish shit
  21. Know what, I just realized why I made that connection....This is the only other time I've heard that word.
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