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Everything posted by Naraku4656

  1. off beat but this is one of the commercials from like 25 years ago that i've somehow remembered throughout the years
  2. whenever there is fun there's always coca-cola
  3. i think a more accurate one would have been unfulfilling sex. though i don't know how to have rephrased that to work
  4. Law and Order: UEMB
  5. i'm gonna sue the boards because quack didn't kiss me on my head before going to bed last night. Mazel will be my lawyer
  6. what the fuck is wrong with you
  7. the last time i had sex was two years ago
  8. dude i'm terrible with women. idk wtf you're talking about
  9. i haven't had sex in years
  10. welcome to my life then
  11. could have had no sex
  12. it's already been allocated, sorry
  13. the most unrealistic thing about that commercial is having more than one nonemployee in a kmart at a time
  14. liquid assets don't stay liquid for long. besides i need to keep it around for taxes
  15. someone once left a package for me on my neighbor's doorstep. Like I saw the guy do it. I just took it
  16. i guess this is as good of a place as any to dump my icons that i use
  17. i don't
  18. All right. Time to make my name Raymond Noodle
  19. meh. the "there are starving kids" approach never worked on me
  20. i should probably do something to manage stress. naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
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