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Everything posted by Naraku4656

  1. i never really had anything apple until i had no choice but to buy an iphone: (the pixel 4a got delayed and my phone was dying. Samsung was too expensive and there were no other androids that were compelling). there are some things about it I like but there are a lot of things about it i can't stand
  2. pat saw through katt's disguise
  3. i agree
  4. he's not lying
  5. i'm from 05....if they weren't an IBer then we wouldn't know them
  6. didn't you just hire pamic
  7. i'm not good at anything so no
  8. Naraku4656

    Woo SMT finally

    pixie is best waifu
  9. i'm uncomfortable with this conversation so i'm gonnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa go
  10. time to hang myself i guess. brb
  11. well you'll have to
  12. nah. i'm good
  13. oh don't worry. he'll come. he always does
  14. Naraku4656

    Woo SMT finally

    i'm not hopeful for the VA work. i guess we'll see
  15. Naraku4656

    Woo SMT finally

    i already made this thread but yes i am excited https://unevenedge.com/topic/51655-itt-i-cum-buckets
  16. at least i can make someone else happy
  17. sssssssssssssssh
  18. thank you
  19. jesus christ
  20. @TrigunBebop can't blow
  21. It ain’t me that’s for sure
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