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Everything posted by Naraku4656

  1. if all of your posts were deleted from this forum we would lose nothing of value
  2. literally there's nothing wrong with not wanting sex. not everyone thinks sex is the most important thing in a relationship. god damn.
  3. what the fuck is this dumpster fire
  4. i mean i'm kinda the same way but i don't consider myself demi. some people think i am but i don't really see it
  5. i mean i'm on okcupid too. have some there but not much really going on
  6. i have 0 likes on tinder and nothing anywhere else. fuck am i going to do
  7. i'm also a goblin with no personality that hates people so that also doesn't help
  8. nothing's ever happened for me without me looking
  9. it's the only way i know to hopefully get a date so
  10. because i'm lonely as fuck and still want companionship?
  11. i'm on online dating services too and it's all AWFUL
  12. to kiss like you
  13. i usually do that at night though and i doubt anyone wants to see that
  14. do i bump one of my 50,000 "i'm getting fired" threads or make a new one? hmmmmmmm
  15. any man who must say "I am the king" is no king
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