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Everything posted by Lucis

  1. I never really liked them. I enjoy acrobatics and stuff.
  2. Im guessing. Depending on many 1099s i get. I really can just make a number. Without 1099s noway to track it.
  3. As i said, im self employed. All the money i make are tax free. So i pay at tax time.
  4. Yeah, people pay taxes. Im prolly looking at about 3k.... to pay.
  5. Captain underpants
  6. If youre straight you wont allow another guys mouth on your dick. /
  7. Im dreading taxes for last year. Made way too much. And being seld employed imma be paying up the ass
  8. Not even when pigs fly
  9. I hate people
  10. Love is just a word
  11. Cant stand this garbage sport >(
  12. Lucis

    Send prunes

    That wouldnt be fun for either of us, now would it?
  13. Lucis

    Send prunes

    Pretty much
  14. Lucis

    Send pubes

    Did you get that thing i sent ya?
  15. She doesnt know any better
  16. Lucis

    Send prunes

    Cuz theyre delicious. And i had waaaay too much pizza last night so i need some help pushing it out
  17. Big vag is winning. Yeeeeaaaahhhhh!!!
  18. Hahahaha hats off to the guy who wrote that article
  19. I bet i could get a girls number, too.
  20. Are you at mid season break yet?
  21. Btirish accent makes everything better
  22. +1 for yes
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