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Everything posted by Lucis

  1. What keeps you going? What motivates you to get out of bed in the morning? What prevents you from pulling the trigger?
  2. Close but no cigar
  3. Most legit mexican food ever
  4. Wtf is a beer cave? And why woukd you buy gas station beer?
  5. Theyve been doing that since bo3...
  6. Its not fun being broke >.<
  7. Hey, you tried
  8. Yeah....there was a time when i really didnt want to go but someone was all "just go once, its no big deal, itll be fun"....
  9. So McDonalds finally raised their pay, nice.
  10. Damn pussies take all my money
  11. I only want to socialize when :beer: :beer:
  12. Looking good, boss
  13. Im sure you know what to do with those beads
  14. W00t
  15. Put it inside a cabinet
  16. Cry for us both....
  17. I just hope you dont love Glenn as much as i do......
  18. Haha yuuusssss
  19. Kerp watching
  20. Wooooow are you a pot goblin?
  21. Its all a game!
  22. I noticed i get +2 every time i mention pot......
  23. Have we learnt nothing from asmb?
  24. 100 years of :420:
  25. Nah, he kool
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