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Everything posted by bigdick

  1. idc about men wearing buns, but the fact that they're called MAN buns when they're just regular fkn buns tilts me 9/10
  2. Evil Zone, cause I'm a giant weeb and each character had their own early 90s-esque animu theme song fk im hyped
  3. all day everyday
  4. That's when you cut a hole in the mattress and call it a day.
  5. that's a lot of fkn pizza if that's rly you, then you're def right about being a damn sexy catfish :thumbsupemojiwhere:
  6. I'd hate this. I love salty things with my beer, never anything sweet. Dry wine and semi-sweet fruits is as far as I'd go for the whole sweets+alcohol combo. Otherwise, I'd rather drink it solo.
  7. "pics incoming eventually" ur a catfish
  8. bigdick


    Nice dude, congrats wasn't so bad, yea? Now you can get dem skins are you gonna keep climbing or meh
  9. bigdick


    lmao yeah somehow over the last few seasons, tsm became #1 fuk em tho
  10. bigdick


    i only esports go fnatic ...go..
  11. alright I'm putting on my best naruto gear and I'm fkng going
  12. nutella sucks
  13. bigdick


    duck the fucks? oh this isn't one of those threads
  14. No... normally the whole Monday thing doesn't phase me due to my irregular work hours, but I finish my orientation this week starting tomorrow, so i kinda wanna kill myself now
  15. Like Looking For Alaska but better which isn't saying much considering they're both still trash One thing I liked about it though, is I think the way they depicted rape can be considered progressive. Most TV shows/movies look for ways to make it even the slightest bit sexy, but this one has 2 of those scenes, and both are pretty cold, hollow, "wait slow down wut are you doing" concrete and unnerving; shows the victim's psyche realistically during and after for both characters as well. Does it justice and it should clear up a lot of the stupid shit people of today say on the subject.
  16. bigdick


    I guess I oil myself after waxing so, whatever the answer is, I'm half correct
  17. in me, on me, whatever
  18. bigdick


    increase your connections While there's a bunch of famous people at parties talking to each other like it's one big club, get to know more of them - have your friends introduce you to them, who will later introduce you to *their* friends, so on and so forth. Get dinner, breakfast, or drinks with them afterwards etc This one I hate - being found in pictures with them helps your image. (*since you use twitter, tweet those pictures/retweet them) Talking to famous people isn't anything special until you become friends with them, and the more high profile people you're friends with, the more lurkers would be interested in you. Personally, to me, this kind of behavior is too much like fishing and I sorta find it rude to the person ??? but people do it and it works And if it's cause you're tryna get your name out there and make it, it's oki to do so imo. In the end, fame bois support one another anyway so np okay, why do ? ? ? get translated into a ??? face I'm tilted who ever made this - i hate u
  19. Eh yeah, wired mouses feel kinda constrictive at times if it's obstructed, but needing a battery change or losing connection mid-game has always been a giant fear of mine. ya steelseries is kinda over-blown up. Pretty headsets tho! But the mouse was something my friend gave away after winning a tourney, so I'm not being picky. Corsair one was a tourney gift too actually, but way better than steelseries imo
  20. Corsair Vengeance M90 twas a free mouse I got ..5 years ago wow Scroll button's been broke, and I have a brand new steelseries rival 300 waiting to be used, but I really, really hate change ...
  21. bigdick


    it doesn't
  22. I like that his flaccid penis is still very veiny. These unrealistic body expectations are holding me down.
  23. Honestly, just basing this from the catcallers on streets, I legit feel like black men are tons more respectful than white dudes. I shouldn't be judging people as a whole, but I do feel a lot more comfortable passing by a black dude than a young white dude on a street, shit neighborhood or not, just from experience they've always only said nicer things and not "hey nice tits/I'ma tear that asshole up and make it bleed" :fap: :fap: :fap: WINNERSSSS On top of that, they've actually told said white bois to fk off for me on more than one occasion. One guy was nice enough to wait for a bus with me until a douchebag drove off. Can't say I recall getting help like that from a white dude though, and while color shouldn't be the thing to jump into observation, facts are facts.
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