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Everything posted by MegaNaraku

  1. MegaNaraku


    It can be for sure mah man
  2. Right? I wish it was that easy
  3. People can be so dumb... It's truly amazing
  4. Happens to the best of us
  5. crushrose DarksidexXx
  6. MegaNaraku


    I wonder if they actually taste good. Hmmmm
  7. In a few. im talking to friends on ps4
  8. Umm.... sure why not
  9. You and Rogue have such cute faces. I dont think i have a pic with my tongue out tbh
  10. The thread. its been brought back! But with a pic this time!!
  11. I love cute chicks with short hair
  12. ^^^^^^^^^
  13. Be lurkin' in here
  14. Ah damn. Yeah I LOVE pumpkin. I used to have their pumpkin shower gel but right now I use one of their cherry blossom shower gels. It still smells nice. And I use their Pumpkin Latte body lotion, with Rue 21 cologne on my wrist and neck. I take hygiene seriously I swear im like half man half chick
  16. I take baths rarely now. Mainly showers. But I love to use Bath and Body Works products. I also use a pumpkin latte body lotion Yes i'm pretty feminine for a guy
  17. Just don't go to McDonalds. Get some General Tso Chicken
  18. I made the mistake of going to McDonalds before. I always tend to feel sick after. But it might be because I don't eat much fast food. But today I had Chinese and it was fucking great. No sickness at all
  19. I wouldn't know
  20. I played 4 a few days before 7 came out because I didn't like 5 or 6 at all I wanted to play something RE like, and didn't feel like plugging up my PS3 which had the first RE on it
  21. Playing 5 or 6 solo is awful. In order for that game to be fun, you NEED another person
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