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Everything posted by MegaNaraku

  1. Well, depending on the situation, I still may or may not have a huge boner :D
  2. It's stuck. Help.
  3. Got the wrong impression perhaps
  4. Great excuse to go home, since its a job you hate ya know
  5. MegaNaraku


    Sharks are fucking cool
  6. I got a massage a while back but it was from a dude. I'm scared of getting a massage from a lady because I think I'm just going to get a huge erection out of it. And if she is the type to not "play along with me" then it will just be very awkward
  7. Looking pretty hot
  8. At night I always hear tapping on my window or ruffling sounds in my closet. I hope to fucking god it's just some animal or creature that's nocturnal. I'd not like a ghost or demon present. It's been like a week now. It freaks me out I asked the people here, but they don't hear it in their room, hm
  9. Whatever helps I guess
  10. I don't even get breaks. I know, it's shitty
  11. I like hentai haha I like that and regular porn. I'll fap to both
  12. Happiness and motivation
  13. Naaaah, I like those classy girls
  14. Employers like that need to be shot in their fucking faces. I hate when they say they WILL call and don't. Like bitch, just go fucking die. I'd rather know whether or not they want me. Not just a "we will call you" bs lie. I hope they get shot for stupid shit like that. I hate it
  15. Not all. Mostly just trash, ratchet, and super fucking ghetto
  16. Them gag reflexes
  17. Some of my customers LITERALLY smell like shit. Like pure straight up shit. Then again, I work in the ghetto so
  18. MegaNaraku


    I keep writing 2016. I gotta get used to this
  19. I'm sure it would be
  20. Just a short feeeeew hours away
  21. Host an Unevenedge Roomate audition
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