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Everything posted by MegaNaraku

  1. I've read most of the time, taking too much b vitamins was fine, and their wasn't a "cap" or "overdose" that has been established for them. Should I only be taking the amount found in, lets say, those One a Day tablets? I only take these because it gives me a nice mood boost and energy for work
  2. I normally take these every other day. Is there a safer amount I should betaking if I want to take these every day? Centrum you said was good huh? I can look at that. These percentages on mine just seem very high up there
  3. I buy these. https://www.amazon.com/Super-Complex-Vitamins-Supplement-Vegetarian/dp/B07414752B I mean, they give me energy and a mood boost, but haven't thought of the percentages until now
  4. That face you make when you wanna make them think you dislike it, but you really love it
  5. I just looked at the super b complex vitamins I take, and I'm taking on a daily basis, 6667% of B1. Not to mention, B6 is at 5000%, and B12 at 1667%. That a normal percentage?
  6. Traps are best
  7. Hm. Having a friend work out with you is always helpful. That, or just make a schedule and force yourself to stick to it. Self-discipline. Build up on caffeine or whatever stimulant you like, and just go for it.
  8. You know, I almost forgot about this
  9. You say convention. What type of convention?
  10. Probably what the intention was. Kudos to them haha
  11. Who knows. I've heard even worse song lyrics from artists who were serious
  12. I honestly wouldn't doubt that at all
  13. It does But whatever the reason, I’m still glad it was made
  14. Not sure if there’s many Tekken players here, but if so, I can never have too many people to fight
  15. There’s been quite a few memes with this video
  16. If AT&T didn’t work, try other carriers like Verizon or sprint, etc
  17. Eh, screw em’
  18. I don’t know if this thread has been made or not in here, but if not, thought I’d bring back an old thread from the dead.
  19. I’ve heard working for AT&T and Verizon as a retail sales consultant can be good, but if you don’t meet their sales goals or keep up, you’re easily replaceable. But maybe I’m wrong.
  20. You had a nice vessel. I wanted it. Mmmmmmm
  21. Welp, that’s about all we can say about the situation now lol
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