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Everything posted by MegaNaraku

  1. Yeah disaster movie I didn’t like and demon possession movies can be pretty neat
  2. So do you like pop music? :v
  3. I like how you chose the word inflate for that as well.
  4. Pizza and movie. Never a bad combo unless the movie outrageously sucks
  5. You is special. You is kind
  6. Yummmmmm
  7. What kind do you like
  8. So ya gunna eat dat pizza or what!?
  9. I find them only entertaining with the right friend
  10. Same. Doesn’t matter though
  11. Nah, and now you got pizza money. Win win
  12. Probably both
  13. I just started it today. Nice
  14. Worth it
  15. Death threats? Damn
  16. I got a list of waifu’s but I have a spot in my heart for tomboys and SOME tsunderes
  17. You garbage
  18. dafuq
  19. No doubt about that. I find her and Yoko from Gurren Lagann pretty hot. Imagine them as a couple
  20. So cute
  21. All signs point to yes
  22. Get in Shinji
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