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Everything posted by MegaNaraku

  1. I mean, if you don't want it to happen, just don't reply if she texts you. OR, just tell her how you feel about it all. Very bluntly.
  2. Hmmmm. Any retail or like sales rep positions?? Anything like that they like. Especially if you have ever done anything with commission as well
  3. Do it if need be. I don’t know much about construction or how it pays so can’t help there. I’m a salesman
  4. Yeah that’s not too bad. I used to work 6-2:30 but now I’m at a more comfortable 10-6
  5. Yeah, like I understand if it’s a one night stand or just a quick lay. But relationship wise, and moving that fast? Nah man
  6. Honestly I’d be more concerned at how fast she’s going about this, than what her interests are
  7. If I had to guess, I’d say you like the whole pain thing :v
  8. I see this
  9. I dislike someone who’s just a sub. I like switches
  10. Was that to warrior, or me?
  11. Times like this, I’m glad I don’t mind working 10-6
  12. Hahaha hopefully so
  13. That’s probably the best route to take at this point
  14. That sucks dude. But did you have a warranty, or will Nintendo offer you another one?
  15. Just block her number and on any social media
  16. Oh I must have misread
  17. No, it won’t. But it’s what helps me get by. At least until I can find a permanent solution. Those with a large amount of apathy and depression cope. It’s just what I use. Some days are better than others. I’m slowly making progress with myself though. So overrated or not, it helps
  18. That sounds highly annoying
  19. Work from home job. Lucky
  20. Yeah I know what you mean. That’s why I like and dislike it hahaha For Noopept, it’s very strong. I’d start at 10-20mg. If it’s too much, there’s lots of nootropics out there. But white vein kratom mixed with green md gives me a nice boost that isn’t so short lived
  21. Kratom is great. I use a 50/50 mix of white vein and green md. And kanna doesn’t have the opioid effects like kratom does. It just gives me a good mood boost, which I enjoy. Though some people it doesn’t seem to effect. So it can be trial and error. And Noopept is legal. It’s a nootropic. A smart drug. It’s 1,000 more potent than Piercatam. Idk if I spelled that right
  22. Happy late easter to you too
  23. It just depends on preference. Idk about feeling so strongly about the show. But I do highly enjoy it. But I enjoyed Kill la Kill and Gurren Lagann a lot too. Also, kinda off topic, but I’ve heard the second season of Spiritpact is good too
  24. Quite often. Apathy and depression can suck. Lately I’ve been taking Kanna powder and Noopept. It seems to help as far as legal stimulants go
  25. I’ll no doubt keep all of this in mind
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