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Everything posted by MegaNaraku

  1. But the lightning looks pretty neat. And thunder is soothing. It's supposed to die down in a couple of hours
  2. Yeah, I have taken those before when I had trouble sleeping. 1-2 should help at least some
  3. Hopefully so. Even a month can feel like forever
  4. Damn. Idk what can help depending on how bad the insomnia is. I knew a friend that tried to take Kava Kava when he had sleeping issues. Don't really remember if it helped him much or not
  5. Oh, insomnia. That makes a huge difference then. Are you prescribed anything for it
  6. Yeah. I'm getting groceries tomorrow, so I'm going to just start buying those One a Day men vitamins with a energy b complex vitamin thats only at a recommended dosage. I would think that would be a better alternative. I just hope I keep the energy
  7. Don't think about it. Just do it. Then you gets the sleeps
  8. While your just there, try meditating.
  9. Yeah, that's why I made the thread. I never took much of a look on the label until now and was like..... wow
  10. Season 1: UEMB debates Season 2: Naraku death pit. Which Naraku will come out alive
  11. Yeeessss. Fucking love Tyler. That entire book was filled with great quotes
  12. The book is great too. I read it AFTER the movie though. I actually love reading. But I'm picky with books. Well, with a lot of stuff really
  13. lol
  14. I’ll always love that movie
  15. You’re right. Who am I to judge!? You’re doing great pal!
  16. Alcohol can be alright. Better than the reputation my co worker at my past job had. He was a chronic masturbator. He jerked in the bathroom I swear 2-4 times every shift. Pretty gross
  17. Yeah, I suppose so. It seems like a high amount. I see stuff like Nature Made Super B Energy Complex and it has everything at 100%. I'm curious if that would work just as well, without me having to take 4000 and up
  18. I get 7-8 a night. My sleep is great. I've always felt pretty down since I was maybe 14? I'm avoiding prescription antidepressants at all costs. Its why I'm looking at all of this
  19. Yeah I understand. Tbh though, I always feel very down with no motivation, energy, or happiness a lot of the time. So I turn to stimulants and such to help me. Nothing like hard drugs. Just stuff to help me through the day. So I look to b vitamins or different kinds of chemicals or plants. Etc
  20. Is there an actual percentage range?
  21. Yes as in that's actually a normal range im taking daily?
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