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Everything posted by inhumanrampager

  1. As if you're better
  2. At least you know you're not top banana
  3. I agree. Jack is a good banana. I can agree he is top banana.
  4. Ha ha! You have a bigger responsibility now!
  5. Nah, you seems soft and squishy. You are an old banana. You might be good in a banana bread.
  6. The top banana is the best banana. As you go through the bunch, the bananas get mushy. The best banana, the top banana, is the first one, the freshest and most ripe. Who is top banana?
  7. I happened to have this post opened with my gf around. She loves your kitty.
  8. The poop I just took earlier.
  9. Quite a bit actually. I enjoyed the bands, I moshed, talked with people nearby, had fun, then went home.
  10. Nah. Not tonight. I wish I had a witty comeback here. I don't. I'd wish you a good day, but I don't want to ruin the day.
  11. Number 1, no, and number 2, I wouldn't trust you to pay up. How someone even let you into their home is unfathomable. Is it to late for your parents to abort you?
  12. I'd rather cut my dick off and feed it to an alligator.
  13. So which girl is it this week, Lefty or Right Said Fred?
  14. Jesus was a power bottom
  15. This explains everything.
  16. I hate the way white people is
  17. I always tell the truth, unless I'm lying.
  18. The joke here is that my penis is actually quite small.
  19. Aside from me of course. My dick is huge.
  20. I smell something. Hey Hulk Hogan, do you smell that? Ah yes, dookie. So I'm not the only one who smells a load of shit. Thanks Hulkster!
  21. I work in the evenings, sometimes through the night. I sometimes don't get home until after midnight. If the laptop comes on, yea, 3 am is typical.
  22. I only do that when I think I have to poop, but there is no poop. I blame MC Gee Gee for stealing it.
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