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Gina Szanboti

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Everything posted by Gina Szanboti

  1. Yesterday I did a crossword with collie puns as the theme and one of the answers (which the author admitted in the clue was a new low even for him) was "Collie Baa Baa & the Forty Sheep." But I thought even worse was the answer to "Peace seeking dog" being "Poochos Poochos Collie." By comparison, "grape vines" is a pun Shakespearean in its elegance.
  2. How can they force you to pay your utilities through an app? What if you don't have a smart phone? Or a computer?
  3. You get to go to the store two days in a row?
  4. The Campaign Trail
  5. Despite my crappy eyesight, I can see pixels and do pattern recognition.
  6. Nope. Just zoomed in and looked. Took about 30 seconds.
  7. Yes.
  8. ::gets down:: ::gets down some more:: ::boogies:: I was afraid you'd throw some polka at me or something.
  9. I put my post in the post slot. Why no music come out the box?
  10. Space Swords are totally cancelled??! I'm not going then.
  11. He should grab the snake's head with his right hand (to give him a longer reach). If it doesn't let go of the tree, he can then use it as a rope to swing over to the branch above the lion, (which will probably kill the snake in the process), then use his weight to get the tree to fall on the lion. he can then run away while the lion is trying to get free of the branches. If the snake does let go of the tree, he can drop it onto the alligators and then just climb over to the branch and continue as in paragraph one. Should the tree prove to be ridiculously stable, he can choose to wait out the predators before climbing down. This is the best option, and probably won't take that long since the lion has clearly already eaten whoever had wielded the ax earlier. Probably the same person who chased the poor guy up the tree.
  12. Finally saw Weathering With You, Makoto Shinkai's latest joint from last year. It was...ok. As gorgeous to look at as you'd expect, but didn't care for how the music seemed more designed to sell the soundtrack than enhance the story/mood. It did make me really hungry for a Quarter Pounder though.
  13. I need to thank you, since you probably gave me half of those anyway, and you were the one that tipped over the last kudo, and I couldn't post again until I got one.
  14. This place is like a fucking lobster pot. People post stuff about what they're happy with (see also brake job thread, or any post Fuggs ever made about her purchases (even if she did deserve the dunking because of her attitude)) and everyone piles on about how they could've gotten it cheaper or better and why they were stupid for even thinking they did ok, cause we are all here on the case to disabuse you of that notion right quick, and trying to peel off any remaining shreds of joy they might've felt over whatever they were posting about. I expect we'll be ragging on his socks next and then the blanket on his bed and the doorknob to his room.
  15. So 14th century Twitter. Just more kinds of shit now.
  16. I get it. Have you seen the OAV of Hakkenden? It's much more somber than the bishie version. And holy cow, the talent pool of directors and key animators they had working on it is impressive. In a way, it's a little like Space Dandy in that they seem to have handed the episodes off to a bunch of directors to have their way with. So the art styles are kinda all over the map, especially the episode Shinya Ohira got his hands on. That's either a plus or a minus, depending on how much you value consistency I guess. Plus I love the OP. I don't know if it's still available anywhere, but you could probably sniff around and find it online... >.>
  17. What are you looking for that's OOP?
  18. A passel of people. A horde of humans. A gang of geeks.
  19. But it's a dry heat! You know, like the surface of the sun.
  20. I have asplody head syndrome.
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