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Everything posted by naraku360

  1. You say that as if fucking a pillow with bed bugs is much different than fucking fuggs.
  2. Cheating on Miku? Probably the best decision of your life. Miku is garbage.
  3. I didn't do that.
  4. Regretfully.
  5. "I'll give it a black background with dark gray text." -all the designers of these layouts
  6. Since I don't like enough of the Toonami lineup (past or present) to warrant a full list of 10, I'll include ASA (which won't take up the whole list, no real order aside from first 6 are higher priority and don't have much to say about the remaining 4 - this also excludes things I haven't watched any off, like Pilot Candidate, Morbito, Dimension W, GitS). Top 10: Paranoia Agent (Not Kon's best work, but what got me into psychological thrillers and stands as a very good one in it's own right) HxH (Opening arcs done much better in '99, but late-Heaven's Arena is good - great climatic fight - and, more importantly, Phantom Troupe-onward is basically the best showen ever_ FMA (don't remember the anime-original material very well, though the first half of this was genuinely memorable and handled better than in Brotherhood) FMA:B (better exploration of the cast and world, and the Promised Day was a fantastic climax that kept momentum for an absurd number of episodes) Wolf's Rain (interesting all the way through and excellent final arc) JoJo (generally very fun, but enjoyment varies from arc to arc, Phantom Blood was alright, Battle Tendancy was pretty great, Stardust Crusaders is very good but goes on way too long imo, and Diamond is Unbreakable is da best) Cowboy Bebop Eureka 7 Trigun Parasyte Bottom 10: Akame ga Kill (tryhard angsty teenager edgelord bullshit, I could write better than this trash in grade school) Deadman Wonderland (shitty incoherent trainwreck of a show) SAO (couldn't bring myself to finish the first arc, so goddamn boring.... not a single character gets any form of development, Kirito is supposed to be sympathetic but never picks a fucking personality to have, the plots are full of asspulls and inconsistencies, evetyone and everything in the show is stupid, the animation isn't even particularly great either. Just an complete clusterfuck of incompetence from a writing standpoint, and really doesn't have anything to be redeemable.) Bleach (Painfully generic, massive waste of time, too many episodes where nothing of value hapens.) DBZ (Just because something is baby's first anime doesn't mean it's automatically good, plot is just an excuse to go from one boring fight to another boring fight where the same shit always happens.) Gurren Lagann (The most enjoyment I got out of this overhyped pile of medoiocrity was the glee I felt when Kamina died. Fuck that annoying piece of shit, too bad every single character's "arc" was to become a knock-off of Kamina, in effect becoming insufferable.) Kill la Kill (Such a mess of a show. Ryko's motivations make no sense, Mako was the worst kind of obnoxious comedy relief, basically everything post-first episode was lame or annoying.) Naruto (Goes on well passed its prime and nobody fucking cares about Sasuke.) One Piece (Not a single character has any depth beyond an overtly tragic backstory and none of them are relateable or give me any good reason to care what happens to them, which is only compounded by the abysmal like of stakes in any form. Repetitive to a fault.) Durarara (Probably wouldn't hate it so much if it wasn't such a huge disappointment. It's Baccano! for babies that need everything spelled out 10 times per episode. I shouldn't have the narrator inform me that the relationship is "special"; they should've spent some time showing why it's special, but it didn't. Shows like Baccano! and Durarara are founded on a sense of chaos, yet I literally predicted the last the conclusion 8 episodes in advance, which - by the way - what a load of balls that was. 3 idiot teenagers start a gang war against each other accidentally then some dumbass rando thug becomes a villain for no reason and the dumbass teens have to unite through the power of friendship to take down no-name McGoo. Fuck this show. I know I predicted the end nearly half a season early, but I never would've guessed the climatic sequence of events would play out so moronically. Give me Baccano! season 2, and keep the shitty non-stop narrating out of it.)
  7. It's been a long time since I read the original ir watched the show. Being a high schooler who didn't really pay attention to that sort of thing, I hadn't noticed the Franz angle though retrospectively I can see it. I'm hoping to rewatch it some time. Same kind of goes for Eugenie in the original. I read it in high school and that was a pretty dense book. Honestly not surprising I missed details in it given how much there was to digest, not to mention the complexity of the writing. Actually, I might pick up an audio book for it somewhere down the line. My eyes suck too much to be reading books that length any more, but wouldn't mind revisiting it in both forms
  8. Oh, and Peppo from Gankutsuou is a crossdresser that tries seducing Albert, and eventually develops romantic feelings for him. I've also read a couple theories that some of the other characters (mainly Franz and Eugenie, but in parts Albert as well) are implied gay or bi.
  9. Teruteru from Danganronpa 2 [game] and 3: Despair arc will fuck anyone, doesn't matter who.
  10. Sounds like you have a new lucrative business opportunity on your hands. Among other things.
  11. I thought he died in the 90s.
  12. There isn't a "none" option.
  13. Seeing as your mind appears to operate like a crack addict's, I wonder if crack would counterbalance the crazy and make you sane.
  14. You could upload them and post them instead of wasting the same amount of time to reply. But your screencaps don't exist and you're a liar
  15. *signs up by fapping all over the signup sheet*
  16. The French streaming site redirect is pretty funny.
  17. @ben0119 I don't know why you're dragging me into whatever bullshit is going on here, but it's really weird that you keep bringing me up.
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