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Everything posted by naraku360

  1. "I don't like how characters develop or the plot progression"=/=There is no character development or forward progress You don't seem to understand that you not liking the way something plays out doesn't equate to it not having those things.
  2. Yakshemash review Sucks 1/10
  4. Zeni... Zendog.... Zenireno.... Stahp.
  5. "Boring" isn't a remotely valid criticism of.... really anything. Different things interest different people. You think it's boring, not everyone does.
  6. You call that escalation? The closest this was to escalating was the douchenozzle "Do you ever get tired of being wrong?" comment you needlessly tacked on to a failure of a rebuttal.
  7. I wish you the best of luck.
  8. It's also a fantasy world with looser laws. Just because it doesn't match 100% with reality (which even most courtroom shows don't typically manage) doesn't mean the point is moot. We have laws that take into consideration manipulation, to which you laughed off as illogical. Frankly, in a world with hypnosis and Manipulator Nen abilities (which includes the power to take control over living things), being inclusive of murder is MORE logical, not less. Give me a good reason why murder should not be included in a world where someone could literally stick a needle in your neck and use a remote control to force you to kill someone? That's not even an exaggeration. It happens in the show.
  9. You broke up with Phillies? I guess he'll just have to have sex with a pillow. No big loss, basically the same anyway.
  10. *facepalm* You know, there are legal clauses to protect those who commit crimes out of fear for their own safety, right? Laws there because if someone is coerced into committing homicide, typically through threats, then the act is considered an act by the manipulator, not the perpetrator because it was not an action made on their own volition but of the one who made the threat. This is an actual thing. In the real world. In fucking America, no less. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duress_in_American_law "In jurisprudence, duress or coercion refers to a situation whereby a person performs an act as a result of violence, threat or other pressure against the person. Black's Law Dictionary (6th ed.) defines duress as "any unlawful threat or coercion used... to induce another to act [or not act] in a manner [they] otherwise would not [or would]". Duress is pressure exerted upon a person to coerce that person to perform an act that he or she ordinarily would not perform. The notion of duress must be distinguished both from undue influence in the civil law. In criminal law, duress and necessity are different defenses.[1][2] Duress has two aspects. One is that it negates the person's consent to an act, such as sexual activity or the entering into a contract; or, secondly, as a possible legal defense or justification to an otherwise unlawful act.[3] A defendant utilizing the duress defense admits to breaking the law, but claims that he/she is not liable because, even though the act broke the law, it was only performed because of extreme unlawful pressure.[4] In criminal law, a duress defense is similar to a plea of guilty, admitting partial culpability, so that if the defense is not accepted then the criminal act is admitted. Duress or coercion can also be raised in an allegation of rape or other sexual assault to negate a defense of consent on the part of the person making the allegation." If this is "illogical", take it up with the American Judicial system, not me or HxH. It is a legitimate defense to be made. Illumi told Killua he would kill Gon unless Killua forfeits by committing murder. Even if Illumi claims to have been teasing, chances are the only reason he had no intention of following through was because Hisoka would kill him if he did - a relationship Killua had no knowledge of - and it's doubtful Killua would trust the "just teasing" sentiment regardless. Gon is mad that Killua was forced to kill against his will, especially having been used as a pawn to force it. That makes sense, even if you don't want to admit it does. Did you finish Heaven's Arena? I'd suggest watching the Yorknew arc, but it does require some knowledge set up in Heaven's Arena, in large part due to the different Nen classes. Where Toonami's at, the arc is only a small handful of episodes away.
  11. It's also known that Killua was manipulated into doing it, potentially out of fear (submitting to Illumi's request to save Gon), but also potentially out of hypnosis. And the "no one even talks about it" part is an outright lie, for that matter. Gon walks in tot he meeting late and gets mad at Illumi for manipulating his friend into killing, Netero (the chairman)'s literal first line in response to Gon's objections is "Oh, we were just talking about that." Then they go on to have a brief discussion about whether or not Killua should be disqualified if his murder was involuntary. There's a DISCUSSION ABOUT IT, so no, they don't simply "not talk about it". Just because nobody goes, "I feel so bad about losing the old guy I didn't know, his death is so sad" doesn't mean the characters weren't clearly and blatantly pissed off about the unnecessary killing and the circumstances surrounding it.
  12. *Googles* Looks tasty.
  13. Waffles
  14. Dude, it has like 10 people on it. That's too much fucking traffic, even for this state of the art server.
  15. I love when you talk dirty.
  16. Hi, Uhhh, my name is... *cough* my name is naraku360. I like bigdick[/member].
  17. Urotsukidoji is the original title.
  18. 1. Change profile to younger age. 2. Close account. 3. Stop using OKC forever. That's a winning strategy for getting dates.
  19. I also have a crush on a member. She knows who she is. O0
  20. Good, actually. There was a patch of seasons I didn't really feel. Something like, season 3 until Vice, which certainly felt like more with the wait in between. Vice was enjoyable, but still not quite as good as the first 2 seasons, then I think the season after that was pretty lukewarm for me as well. Season 7 was the closest I've come to really enjoying it to the fullest since, like, the cancer episodes. Honestly would've preferred the next season to be the end instead of getting confirmed for 3 more sasons.
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