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Everything posted by naraku360

  1. Caleb produced some of the weirdest drama. Like the part of the show when they initially introduced the possibility of Dylan being a incest rape-baby and Dylan getting mad at Norma over it...? That stuff was real questionable. But still, Dylan has had some of the best parts, too, usually when it came to Norman more than Norma. The whole never knowing when Caleb wants something or if he's trying to help makes it hard for me to decide how to interpret him, and I guess that might be intentional but the cast seem to all have well-determined opinions of him that can be a tad ill-defined. Other than some of the questionable choice of Dylemma abandoning Norma(n) and being iffy on Caleb, Norman's stuff was generally enjoyable in the expected awkward Norman way.
  2. Fixed. Go nuts, dude.
  3. The only person to blame here is yourself for not researching before buying. Does it not have a slot for SD cards?
  4. Her vagina was more akin to a waffle of the blue variety. The nipples were like tootsie rolls on tassels.
  5. That was a very good premiere. Felt like it handled most things really well. Still not sure I fully buy into the conflict with Dylan and Norma at the end of last season. I think it was that Norma had grown to care about Dylan and wanted him to stay to help look after Norman, but she kept letting Norman.... get away with murder. *rimshot* I mean, I guess I get where he was coming from, but the end result of completely abandoning them, even to move with Emma, seems rather extreme despite being the implication from last season's last episode(s). I'm also a little surprised Emma didn't seem aware of how the previous season ended, either. Unless they were covering it up to Caleb, but that seems unlikely. Caleb is another piece I sort of struggle to pin down. I fluctuate on how I feel about his relationship with Dylan. Oddly, don't feel like there's too much to say about Norman. It's basically what I expected, but done a lot better (overall) than my cautiously high expectations.
  6. Well, they are both idiots cut from the same shit-soaked cloth, so.... Does it really matter?
  7. Speaking of which, I somehow forgot to mention you're both in the business of producing copious amounts of bullshit.
  8. Watch Mojo is lazy, dumb, and much bigger than it should be. Not unlike Bucket in those respects.
  9. 420pooh4u[/member]
  10. I sometimes wonder why she doesn't turn fucking into a career. Then I remember she mostly fucks trailer trash that only bang her because it's free and easy.
  11. Did you forget how to use Google or something?
  12. Of course not. Trying would imply needing to put effort into it
  13. Or poof
  14. Tic when he sees 13-year-okd boys: :fap:
  15. Spiritual successor more or less. It's a more complete story/polished game.
  16. Zelda looks good, but I'm getting it for Xenoblade 2 mostly.
  17. Wasn't he about to bang the jock at the end of the first episode, right before they found the dead guy? I mean, that seems pretty gay to me. Anyway, haven't gotten to watch episodes 3 or 4 yet. Been watching with a friend to laugh at, but our schedules haven't matched up well enough these last couple weeks.
  18. So a carbon copy of the Trump Administration?
  19. Lacks_Sympathy[/member] I've heard there's walk-in preorders at Walmarts, though it was a while ago and I don't know how limited that was other than availability was lasting longer than online preorders. Probably best to call before going out to one to place a preorder, imo. Naraku4656[/member] I intend to. Been too busy to see about trying to preorder via Walmart, though.
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