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Everything posted by naraku360

  1. accordingly it had pineapple, so no.
  2. I just looked it up. It sounds like it could be interesting, but at the same time.... "Shadow Moon"? Really? That's supposed to be a name? I feel like I wouldn't be able to take it seriously for having a protagonist with that name.
  3. Ticc shouldn't be aloowed to use a computer. Anyone know his handler's number?
  4. Just a couple weeks ago, you insisted no science research was unbiased. Oh wait, that was before you were pretending to be Packtarded. It was someone else. Whoops. ::]::
  5. I was going for texture, appearance, and smell, but fair enough.
  6. The euphemism wasn't about fuggs' vagina, so cottage cheese need not apply.
  7. I like how you act like you're buddy-buddy with her, but the moment someone says she;s better than you is the moment you opt to shit talk her. No need to be so crazy jealous. >
  8. Wow, so much for you getting along with PTA. S:
  9. I won't abuse my powers...... immediately.
  10. He'll request the perfect wedding song, too! [youtube autoplay=1]
  11. This wouldn't prove anything to you, since in your eyes research isn't valid if done by professionals.
  12. There's not a whole lot known about it beyond an author's note in a random YYH volume with some character designs. All he really says was that it was supposed to be a shonen sports series with a gay main cast, and that it got rejected. Other than that, there's virtually no info.
  13. This episode. >
  14. *shrug* Of those, the only one I've watch recently was HxH. To my knowledge HxH didn't have any officially gay characters. I've seen you talk about Uvogin/Shalnark, but the evidence for that is.... incredibly fishy. I'd possibly accept Killua or Leorio or even Nobunaga (being the one to get far more emotional than Shalnark) over the aforementioned, but there's effectively very, very little romance in the series at all. Uvogin seems like really reaching and Shalnark is reaching even further. And Togashi did attempt to get a shounen-ai sports series (Trouble Quartet) published but couldn't find any takers. So, I dunno, the Togashi hang up seems sketchy.
  15. I believe I took it back, actually. Not because it had a negative message about homosexuality, more because mochi would treat it as such regardless. It was around the time it dawned on me that mochi doesn't handle unhappy stories well.
  16. What did he do? I'm putting $10 on something retarded.
  17. I'd like to see me being a mod. O0
  18. It doesn't imply you should outgrow it. That's not saying you should grow out of it. It's suggesting the control society has over their lives is bad, but not exactly a bad message to associate homosexuality with peacefulness. It simply takes place it a setting that doesn't allow for much happiness for anyone. If anything, it's implying a negative over the fact that they're given so little agency.
  19. pail[/member]
  20. I'm thinking either Chuck wins and Saul becomes a replacement identity or Jimmy wins but gets publicly tarnished in the process and has to reinvent himself. Essentially thinking the same thing as you. Especially since Chuck wants Jimmy disbarred.
  21. Yeah, Hachiman[/member]. You should start dating guys. You know.... because Zenigundam[/member] is looking for a hookup.
  22. Looks like Tic finally learned that he is still a virgin. >
  23. I think he's saying he wants to fuck Zeni and MC GeeGee more than he wants to fuck fuggs. It's an understandable position to take.
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