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Everything posted by naraku360

  1. It's standard business practice to intentionally hide the results of studies and knowingly spread the opposite of what was found? ........ Is it?
  2. @smiradenius I don't see an answer to why you trust Exxon. Also, if you trust them so much, what makes you think they have any reason to hide it?
  3. Leakers is what we all are after we're done with this pissy bitch of a thread. Everyone stay hydrated.
  4. I prefer whistleblowers, but they're both correct. I've been a bit off with words the last few days and forgot what the word I was looking for.
  5. Leakers. People within who opposed what Exxon was doing. Why do you trust Exxon? What do you use your brain for? I'm stunned you can type words on a keyboard because holy fuck you're utterly opposed to putting a microsecond of thoight into anything.
  6. I hope he gets ignored and they do half anyway. Fuck them.
  7. Exxon didn't do it themselves, you Eldrich level singularity of stupid. There are many, many well documented sources. You're just too lazy and dumb to want to learn.
  8. Look it the fuck up yourself. Follow the sources on your own. I'm not your tutor or babysitter just because you choose to be too pedantic for anyone to have a worthwhile conversation with. This is literally why you are nothing but a point of ridicule to everyone here. I did a basic Google search. I gave 2 sources. There are plenty out there. NPR and Harvard are by no means the first to report on scandals of this sort. I've known about them for over a decade. Exxon isn't the only guilty party. Use your fucking brain to do something for yourself. Try to actually engage with the content as opposed to blathering about a global conspiracy to prove climate change is real and for some amorphous, inexplicable reason is lead by Al Gore. What the in everloving shit are you talking about? Why do you trust what Exxon says? How have they proven themselves trustworthy? What are you basing you flimsy, pathetic excuses on? You know Robin Hood is supposed to be the good guy, right? Or was that one too hard for you to grasp?
  9. I'm not Pooh amd I don't know literally anything about CFCs. I thought this involved fossil fuels, which is very clearly what I linked to. I was mistaken in what I was talking about but dude, you could've cleared this up with half a second to read and point out it was the wrong subject.
  10. Have you heard of clicking the link and looking at their sources yourself? I gave you 2 out of thousands of sources. You're just too much of a coward to face the fact you've been duped.
  11. dOeS iT sAy ThEy'Re CoVeRiNg AnYtHiNg Up? I don’t know, can you read?
  12. Also, you lying shitstain, that wasn't your original grievance, now was it? You implied it didn't say there was a cover up. Can't stick to one argument because you're obviously wrong as a chronic condition.
  13. Nobody said global conspiracy. I said widespread cover-up. National. This is heavily centralized in the United States. Most places know better, fuckface.
  14. Did you click the link, you dumbass bitch? What do these words say, woman? Can you read them or are you too retarded?
  15. https://www.npr.org/2023/09/14/1199570023/exxon-climate-change-fossil-fuels-global-warming-oil-gas https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2023/01/harvard-led-analysis-finds-exxonmobil-internal-research-accurately-predicted-climate-change/
  16. Wtf are you talking about? Are you on crack?
  17. It's been repeatedly punching you in the face for years. You just insist you aren't being punched in the face, and desperately feel the need to let everyone know you are NOT currently being punched in the face despite the fact nobody asked you and your protests did little more than draw attention in the direction of the thing happening to your stupid fucking face.
  18. Secretly, Packard is seething since he'll have to find wi-fi somewhere else.
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