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Mode 7

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Everything posted by Mode 7

  1. Some canned peas and carrots, mashed potatoes and white rice
  2. Normally I would wait it's closer to Halloween to watch this one but I start the month off guns blazing so I'll be watching this tonight when I get home from work.
  3. I'm just going to start playing more often at home. I have a ton of albums I've yet to listen to and I'd rather do that than be on YouTube for hours and hours.
  4. I'm done with YouTube. There's just too many negative things going on there that impacts my overall enjoyment of the site.
  5. Monday is living up to it's reputation today
  6. Here's the list of artists that are currently blocked
  7. https://www.billboard.com/business/streaming/youtube-sesac-contract-dispute-songs-blocked-1235788174/
  8. @1pooh4u You have my sincere condolences
  9. I got a really bad feeling about today. Something tells me that today is going to be a rough one, hopefully I'm wrong
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