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Mode 7

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Everything posted by Mode 7

  1. Why is Sweetest Day a thing here?
  2. I'm working a long shift at work today so crockpot chili hamburger helper when I get home tonight
  3. Wrestlemaina 17 is overrated, sorry not sorry fuck this show. It's still by far the single worst wrestling PPV I've ever had the displeasure of watching live.
  4. I'm going to watch this one next week. Look at this thumbnail it just says it all right here
  5. Fried chicken and the rest of that leftover spaghetti
  6. Playing Alien 3 on SNES and I have a few thoughts about this game 1. I didn't realize that was a perfect game to play around this time of year 2. How the hell is it possible that the game is better than actual movie? 3. It was published by LJN which makes the the movie look even worse 4. I've always maintained that LJN was not the worst publisher they do have good games. Most of them are on SNES. 5. My only issues with this game is the jumping and the enemy respawn but other than it's a fun playthrough
  7. Please pray that I don't get fired or go to jail today because these assholes are so close to getting these hands.
  8. Again some people just don't know how to read the room
  9. Finally the heat is turned on
  10. Isn't this a bitch, its starting to get cold and the heat hasn't been turned on for the season so I asked the heating and cooling guy when will it be turned on and he told me Saturday. He didn't show up on Saturday or Sunday. He shows up this morning and some dumb fuck who has no business closing and locking doors in the building closed the door to basement and now he can't get inside to turn the heat on 🤦🏽‍♂️
  11. Best wishes to Aiden Hutchinson that injury looked horrific
  12. Despite it being featured on a episode of MST3K Tormented isn't a bad movie. If anything I would love to see it get a remake.
  13. The acting in this movie is very cringey. Manos has better acting than this
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