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Mode 7

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Everything posted by Mode 7

  1. Today was awful, apparently I was supposed to be off today. They schedule the gave me said I was supposed to today I guess I wasn't so I ended up working today. And to top it all off I was off yesterday too. I haven't had a full weekend off in years and plus there was an afternoon hockey game I could've watched. I didn't have to cook either be cause I had plenty of lelftovers, just fuck me
  2. My Top 10 Favorite WWE Theme Songs 1. The Undertaker 2. Stone Cold Steve Austin 3. Shawn Michaels 4. Randy Savage 5. The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers 6. Brutus Beefcake 7. The Ultimate Warrior 8. Sycho Sid 9. Demolition 10. Razor Ramon
  3. My Top 5 Favorite WCW Wrestlers of all time 1. Sting 2. Rey Mysterio Jr. 3. Goldberg 4. Booker T 5. DDP
  4. My Top 5 Favorite WWE Wrestlers of all time 1. Bret Hart 2. The Undertaker 3. Stone Cold Steve Austin 4. Shawn Michaels 5. Razor Ramon
  5. Jurassic Park
  6. My Top 10 Favorite NES Games 1. Kirby's Adventure 2. Mega Man 2 3. TMNT III 4. Super Mario Bros. 3 5. Fester's Quest 6. Ninja Gaiden 7. Darkwing Duck 8. Blaster Master 9. The Chessmaster 10. Battletoads and Double Dragon
  7. Why are there bottomless pits in Kirby games when Kirby can fly?
  8. Crockpot dinner tonight Cream of chicken with egg noodles, diced chicken and peas and carrots
  9. My Top 5 Favorite Saturday Morning Cartoons 1. X-Men 2. The Bugs Bunny and Tweety Show 3. A Pup Named Scooby Doo 4. The New Adventures of Winnie The Pooh 5. Garfield and Friends
  10. I miss these
  11. Now that I have access to the TMNT 24/7 channel I should probably give the CBS episodes a chance
  12. I'm either going to order out or cook breakfast. I'm leaning towards ordering out.
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