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Mode 7

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Everything posted by Mode 7

  1. What the hell is going my Sunday schedule? Last Sunday I supposed to be off which was news to me because I ended up coming in after being off the previous day so I missed out on a chance to have a full weekend off. And today I have to be at work at 8:30 again which was news to me because my schedule said I was supposed to work at 11. At least I get off work at 2 instead of 7 but still goddamn it give me the correct schedule.
  2. The pizza was trash, tasted kinda burnt and some of the topping tasted under cook. Now I don't feel bad for not having any cash on me for a tip.
  3. Ended up ordering a pizza, honestly I have been craving pizza a lot lately. Watching Ninja Turtle reruns will do that to you.
  4. And the food got burned 😔
  5. Chicken lentil soup in the crockpot
  6. Sounds right up my alley. I give it shot sometime down the road.
  7. Damn there was a battle theme I wanted to post the next time a thread erupted into battle royale and I completely forgot what song it was, dammit
  8. Until Nintendo themselves announce it these gaming channels need to shut the fuck up about these "Switch 2" rumors.
  9. I prefer to call the club "The Ramblings of a Musty Janitor"
  10. It's one thing to still have your Christmas decoractions still out, it's another thing to still be turning on the Christmas lights and the other shit just sticking out like a sore thumb in the neighborhood it's like bro what the fuck?
  11. Ranking all 8 mini games from Kirby Super Star (SNES version) from best to worst 1. The Great Cave Offensive 2. Revenge of Meta Knight 3. Dynablade 4. Spring Breeze 5. Milkyway Wishes 6. The Arena 7. Gourmet Race 8. Sub Games
  12. Chili via the crocpot
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