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Everything posted by BlackNoir

  1. Well I googled coconuts since I still don't know or care what coconut water is and a pink coconut generally means it's going bad.
  2. LOL, all I care is that low T managed to squirm it's way into this conversation.
  3. So you're going to make me go buy a coconut.
  4. Or you can just back up you contacts externally. Personally I enjoy the peace when I switch phones.....I give a couple coworkers, my mom and a few friends my number and just add as I go......70% of the number in my phone never get used.
  5. Not sure what coconut water is but coconut milk is not pink....Whatever you bought was dyed to look that way for whatever reason
  6. You've been here 7 days and are obliterating my post count
  7. I just wanna go back and show 7 year old self where video game are going to wind up and let him know that yes....It gets better than Sega CD.
  8. Why throw up on the floor if you know you're gonna throw up
  9. See...I can't do this....I've seen those threads and I'm always like "why is this happening....It's not funny or interesting".....I guess I'll just pay for posts like I did last year.
  10. Like I said earlier...I retired the joycons months ago and got regular controllers
  11. LOL, it's just the joycons and the L/R attachments for when you remove the controllers....Oh and that other single controller thingie......Ok, it's more shit than usual but it's pretty straight forward.
  12. wth did I just do
  13. And where is that?
  14. It gets me from time to time and to fix it I use the same rule Benji just used.....But it doesn't help when you can't remember which is which off the top of you head and have to ponder it a bit.
  15. Nintendo does what it's supposed to do and that's crank out it's flagship exclusives to sell consoles.....You aren't getting Mario, Link, Pokemon, Samus, Fox, Fzero, Animal Crossing, and the list can go on forever from any other company. The last time Nintendo was graphically relevant was during the Gamecube/PS2 days when it boasted the Gekko CPU and the ATI graphics cards, but even before that it didn't try to be a graphics monster even though the SNES blew Genesis out of the water. The 64 was a complete ass of a machine on screen, but the games were unforgettable. Say what you will about the gimmicks, at least they are an ambitious enough company that it, despite it's many failed devices, still attempts something new with gaming other than plopping you down in a chair....Hell, they are a big enough threat that they had Sony and Microsoft both trying to get into motion gaming just to keep up with the poor little Wii.... Nintendo is a force, and it will be for a while because if nothing else, it has the most memorable characters in gaming history.......Who's waiting for that new Spyro or Banjo Kazooie.....NOBODY.....Sony even tried to bring back Crash to 0 applause. Don't even get me started on Microsoft.....Master Chief and Gears of War.....THAT'S what people think is gonna move units?.....GTFO
  16. Yeah, 5 on this one https://unevenedge.com/profile/178-buddyroe360/
  17. Pretty sure my main has 5.....Cyberbully may have 3.....And I guess this one has 1 or 2
  18. I fell asleep but I will discuss this......While I do like little tootie booties, I am a fan of ridiculous ass....Smooth, thighs, powerful calves and that weird thing where women's toes point inward towards each other.....I give you, The Honey Loaf.
  19. Reno 911.....That's a good sleep stream for the night
  20. I can't bring myself to do it on my own.....Seems just really lame. So anyone wanna talk about butts for a few hundred posts. I'm game.
  21. Nah, it's a console....4 people can't play my DS at once.
  22. Throw the whole thread away
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