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Everything posted by Danger_Jules

  1. To be fair, however, Beedrill and Raticate are actually pretty good early game Pokemon. I mean, where else are you going to find anything that can take Misty's Staryu and Starmie that can learn Hyper Fang and Twinneedle?
  2. I have a Raticate with Hustle and Double Edge and Hyper Fang. It actually does indeed get the job done, especially against low defense Pokemon like Alakazam and Electabuzz. It's own defense is too low for it to last long, however. Ratty is more a "dish it out, but can't take it" Pokemon.
  3. Aipom. Sure it's not a top class Pokemon competitively, but it's still in a way, considerably more useful than Ampibom (Who can't even use Evolite to boost those crappy defenses).
  4. Molotov already defended the boys and taught them to fight in Asasinanny, even though she also kinda harmed them herself in the process.
  5. Brock for me. He's just a cooler and more effective bodyguard. And he doesn't rape little boys.
  6. Also, Zorn had sex with Linda. Character development is getting heavy in this show, especially considering not many people are watching it or really like it.
  7. Oh, my aching tentacles.
  8. Right. Tiny Toons, Animaniacs and Batman did all originally air on Fox Kids. Tiny Toons only aired on WB for reruns.
  9. Pokemon, Animaniacs and Xiaolin Showdown were my top 3. I also remember them airing Mr. Men for a really short time in the summer before Pokemon replaced it for fall syndication (Airing immediately after Animaniacs).
  10. Since we did not have The WB at the time, I never heard of Freakazoid prior to it coming to Cartoon Network. Relax-O-Vision was truly a lesson in the frustration of network censorship.
  11. Now, I will say this much. Be Mine is my favorite of that show's episodes.
  12. Teen Titans Go! is horrible.
  13. Toonami was the whole reason I knew what anime was in the first time. It seems like only yesterday that I was witnessing Ryoko flirt with Tenchi, Tuxedo Mask battling Zoicite, Majin Buu fight Kid Buu , Yusuke punch the alien out of that guy and Terra betray the Titans.
  14. We (Me and me siblings) were required to go outside because the common consensus was that we were watching too much TV. I was okay with it (bowling and softball were admittedly fine memories of my youth) just as long as I got home by 8 PM to watch CN. After all, Dexter's Laboratory was the Futurama of my childhood (Not to mention the crush on Dee-Dee I had at the time).
  15. I don't dislike Power Rangers because it's live action. I dislike it because it's fucking corny. All of those fake ass costumes you can see the zipper on and that lamely portrayed violence. I was far more a Clarissa Explains It All dude. That Darling girl was funny.
  16. I must be the only 90s kid that does not like Power Rangers. I mean, its' OK, I guess.
  17. Huh huh, you said "Big".
  18. Dexter's Laboratory and KaBlam! for cartoons and Clarrisa Explains It All and Kenan and Kel for live action.
  19. How bout this? http://www.moustachemagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/penis-shaped-funny-6.jpg
  20. And now, here's the "Does This Remind You Of Anything" thread, the place for ordinary, suggestive looking objects. And here we go. https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/aa/65/17/aa65174f803caf2c3e04ce31b2a16847.jpg
  21. We were already fucked. Only difference is now we couldn't do anything about it.
  22. Next thing you know, Bill will announce that he did not have relations with Ivanka.
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