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Everything posted by Lynnrael

  1. I'm doing amazing, cause I'm a girl now. its pretty dope losing Saddy was heartbreaking though. she was always such an absolute badass
  2. both creamy peanut butter and anarchy are awesome
  3. just got out from seeing Knocking On Heaven's Door, it was absolutely fantastic. the art was fucking incredible, the music was perfect, the action was cool as fuck, it was just an all around great movie
  4. this is a good representation of my transition goals
  5. but things are always different, change is the only constant
  6. No selfie but i officially have the cutest bong ever I love it so much
  7. I think I might have seasonal depression. I feel like absolute shit today
  8. mutual aid is always a great place to start, though most mutual aid networks aren't directly aimed at helping neurodivergent people, we are more likely to end up homeless than NTs, so mutual networks aimed at that will end up helping a lot of neurodivergent people too. There are also a lot of people engaged directly and indirectly in disability advocacy in a variety of ways. Fair warning, the vast majority of people who are disability advocates are pretty far to the left. This is a consequence of learning how ableism works and what it comes from, and ultimately it is impossible to act against ableism effectively and not act against capitalism and all of its surrounding power structures. This doesn't mean you have to be a statist communist. I'm what some would call a libertarian socialist, though I would just say anarchist. Communism is not the only alternative to capitalism, and I do not believe an authoritative state can ever achieve the goals claimed by communists anyways. This could be a good place to start but you may also need to do more localized research about what organizations exist in your area.
  9. There is no good explanation for why they treat you this way. Its wrong, and its rooted in ableism and a desire to maintain the social hierarchy they've learned to derive meaning and self worth from. If they recognize that all of us should and could have our basic survival needs met without having to be exploited by people who don't care if we live or die, they'd have to give up feeling like they're better than people who are have less than them. That's uncomfortable for a lot of people, because finding a new source of identity and self worth that isn't one's job and income bracket is not easy. It takes a lot of questioning things we've had to take for granted to survive in this society, unlearning and changing beliefs that are harmful but familiar and comforting to us, and learning a new way to look at the world. It's worth doing, though. This should radicalize you. That doesn't mean you have to engage in violence at all, there are all kinds of radical ways you can make difference that are focused on helping people and/or growing community. A radical mindset isn't inherently bad or violent, and in fact I would argue that a society built on exploitation and domination is itself inherently bad AND violent. A radical mindset is simply one that takes a radical departure from the assumed beliefs and ideas of a society. This society, especially the US, is built on white supremacy, patriarchy, and ableism, and a radical departure from that is not only ok, its a moral and ethical imperative and I could not do otherwise and believe myself to be a good person.
  10. can confirm, am an absolute rascal
  11. the killdozer story is iconic lol
  12. 💯
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