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Everything posted by Neko

  1. I have a special coffee/espresso maker. Makes very strong coffee well. 4 cups is easily achievable in one brew and it's very tasty. I do get caffeine jitters if I drink too much also.
  2. Good job. I reckon that'll be a good look and soon a good feel on you.
  3. Happy birthday with your ol old ass.
  4. Happy New Years day of birth!
  5. I normally would not have a problem with bacon day. However I followed behind and empty ass Smithfield truck friday, the truck that hauls the hogs and I smelled the most horrid shit. I got sick the the stomach bug the same day...both coinciding together is making me feel some type of way.
  6. No. If you're even considering getting drunk, don't mix the two...gotta breath you know. Go with the fact that you are considering it, you'll figure it out.
  7. @crackymckrackin Internet dad. and minecraft. about three of you fuckers look like the old school undertaker back when I used to watch wrestling. Merry New Years!
  8. I like it, looks like a haircut or something?
  9. It's not a flex, weird...but my main reason is I'm class of '03 and an IBer of '03. Great year for change for me. 1st year of college and I've just turned 18. '03 was a great year.
  10. I gave my address. Just use that. Might be the billing address that you're looking at. Plus you can always alter shipping address even after you've paid but before it is sent
  11. Clearly I have no idea what the fuck is going on nor the anime.
  12. Alright. Looks vaguely sealabish
  13. You have Mochi. Get to pm
  14. PM and I'll exchange info
  15. Welp Quakers has mochi and I have you. Same shit happens every year...and even with you before. I gotcha, sorry I forgot.
  16. What did I do...and if it don't work...the only other one is mochi and Quakers and athena and i
  17. 1 and 3 2 and 4
  18. So far. 1 Athena 92 2 Mochi 3 Quakers 4 Neko
  19. Amazon wishlist can keep you safe. Read original post.
  20. Actually, it's time for a re roll. Everyone who hasn't exchanged info post below.
  21. My partner hasn't contacted me yet. Wanna switch?
  22. Ty hun. No problem. Tomorrow is last call for reroll for all that have not exchanged information or want different partners.
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