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Everything posted by Neko

  1. You...love this hit breath. I'll make sure not to shave and to eat extra garlic and onions...feeling like I forgot to wash the laundry. Don't forget.. I'm au naturale so no deoderant...ill wear short shorts to emphasize my belly crotch and Bush. I gotcha baby.
  2. I woke up dreaming about Jerry Springer. It was on tv.
  3. I miss it and net zero. Those free hours were the shit.
  4. Hawt...but not chopping up my pussy for Chinese food
  5. The market for free dick is unending. I'm off the market...the last bit of dick i had wasn't motivating for me to cum off the market literally. Im just going to be single.
  6. Groovy :::
  7. You're options are....feet.
  8. I'm dead inside....think that I need to grow up and except that I'm not developed enough...enough life experiences.....i can't feel and went through a metaphorical hell for the past few years.
  9. Scallions or green onions.
  10. Heh...crotch.
  11. I think that I need a whole heart.
  12. So...physically I haven't been turned on in idk...so very long. I know sex starts in the brain but what had my chops burning is that my brain had been cock blocking me....guilt you know. I'm staying celibate though...over 2 1/2 years for...idk. Why?
  13. Lulz. My mom does that . She just hangs on enough to tell me shit right at the wrong time and I'm like ma I'm at work but really. Ma I'm elbow deep innpoipy but I'll call you back or I'm passing meds or something ill call you later or tell me later and she hears non of that honey. Love that but really is annoying when im suppose to be doing something.
  14. You looka like a man...
  15. Gotta find the right hair products. Wear protective styles and sent get lazy with it.
  16. Ghost peppers...scorpion pepper!!!
  17. I would like to inject one reefer!
  18. Reading minds. I would love to read minds. Definitely a skill that would be nice. I work in healthcare and you never know what someone's intention is. Plus it'll come in handy for non verbal or confused patients.
  19. Been there but...hair broke off..
  20. Get her out of that habit very early...my aunt sucks her thumb in her 60s and my neices do now to this day.
  21. I used to imagine my own funeral and me crying to it...narcissism to a new level.
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