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Everything posted by Neko

  1. tuts my burreh!!!!
  2. Hi there, I know it's been a long time since we last talked. Since then, I've died inside and has been eaten up by guilt and unwanted meaness. I tried to play nice initially but to something that wanted me to died. I felt all types of pain and misery and wonder when will it be my time to stop being this unessary mean and just smarten up and let this shit go. Tired of the daily torture and I would even like to shit in peace sometimes. I don't derive pleasure from the insane mean shit, you made sure of that and I don't have pleasure centers working in my body right now atm...Tired of doctors, tired of medication...tired of lying to myself. Can I stop fucking myself? Love, if you can call what I do love... Ki
  3. No snow here Chuck...just moderately warm temperatures that'll have you wearing short sleeves one day and freezing your balls off the next. Nothing new in NC.
  4. Put it up now...gotta get one of my fat boys up there.
  5. Yea and you too about all that shit.
  6. Sounds youngish...I don't think going where people don't want you is a good idea unless you have an even better one, but to troll is a waste of time and energy expenditure. It's easier to just be nice.
  7. I got a $25 gift certificate to the movies and a perfume and lotion set from my neices and nephews.
  8. Neko

    I love Bob Ross

    to this day. I could still hang out with bob Ross. I'll be the weird chick though.
  9. @mochi poor little guy posts like he's from the moon.
  10. calzone
  11. Oh no, those things gave me problems... The orginal ones were bad enough but I used to chug those things and get drunk in seconds.
  12. Mine shorter but you know what...it's the thought that counts. I've been jelous of daydreams that I had before. Moved to Georgia and all of that....Couple of ninjas and a few years later, still jelous.
  13. PSSh...I'm on sims4 now. I love my mario games. Been playing most of 'em, but now. I could live a life through someone without making them crazy or insane.
  14. Neko


    Need more alcohol.
  15. Neko


    Need time off.
  16. Tried that once...shit was messed up.
  17. Shit...make your own. Mario maker. Then close off the ending and make it impossible to pass.
  18. High off air!!! So erryday!!!
  19. I gotta pee!!!
  20. Neko

    I hate you

    Mew...love me...
  21. Sniff it like coke!
  22. Get strippers and drugs...I volunteer for the first part!
  23. Like a burrito...little donkey!!!!
  24. Dude, are you a little gay or a lot? I like you either way?
  25. Why?
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