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Everything posted by DeadwingLazarus

  1. New folder, new thread. I'll start because, well, why not?
  2. got damn i'm lost
  3. Hope it wasn't too bad. I'm not some random person. I'm supposedly an extraterrestrial, which would explain a lot. (Wait. What?)
  4. I love those spokescandies. They can be funny.
  5. Hooray for having people sneeze in your face! (Having cold-like symptoms, but it's really nothing but a sore throat and some stuffiness. I took a COVID test and it was negative.)
  6. Imagine all the people... Seriously. Imagine it. Imagine all the people.
  7. That or...fap in the closet or something.
  8. No. You can't. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.
  9. As long as he poops in a brown paper bag and lights the bag on fire.
  10. Starring Godzilla.
  11. Yellowstone and Rocky Mountain National Park.
  12. I'm here to make fun of you, dumbass.
  13. Eh, fuck it. This thread makes no sense anyway.
  14. got damn that hot Wait. Wrong thread. Oops.
  15. It's been hilarious so far so I'm leaning toward the possibility that he has no idea.
  16. Well, this thread sure went to shit in a hurry, didn't it?
  17. I think you need to see this. (Also, I had a crush this chick as a kid. Soooooooooo hot!)
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