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Everything posted by DeadwingLazarus

  1. Climate change is bullshit. Quit voting for dipshits like Newsom and Bass. Actions have consequences. you don’t deserve any sympathy for me. Not anymore. If you’re going to call people like me names for trying to tell you how to properly maintain your force, you get bullshit like this. So suffer the consequences. If you don’t like it, too fucking bad. Fuck you.
  2. Whatcha doin' to my tank, boy?
  3. Fine, fine. Sawdy hates it, too. Happy, @Sawdy?
  4. These are the worst Bluetooth wireless earbuds I've ever seen!
  5. Blueberry, strawberry, and s'mores Pop Tarts are my jam!
  6. I don't know anymore.
  7. Just so you know, I'm watching you.
  8. Line segments are for losers.
  9. Come. it's time for me to pull your wisdom teeth out.
  10. Why didn't I live through the Seventies?
  11. You shall not pass! Oh, wait! Wrong movie. Stop right there!
  12. I can't wait to get off this spaceship and talk to people about lawn care.
  13. I stole this red hat from a Hershey's Kiss.
  14. It's been a scorcher down here. And it's only gonna get hotter from here. Triple-digit temps o'er the next fortnight, give or take a few days.
  15. I'm Ron Swanson. Question answered.
  16. That was the incorrect response. The correct response was "Yes, you are a manly man. Please chop this wood for me." Wait. What?
  17. I like eating meat-based protein, usually by eating meat.
  18. Agreed. I mean if i really, really wanted something for a game that's marked down, I'll buy it. Otherwise, I'll find a way to unlock it while playing the game.
  19. It probably wouldn't be a bad idea to teach them how to tip and how much, specifically. That is, if they don't tip. (But that's just my opinion. I'm not trying to tell you how to be a parent. Really, it's not my place to tell you how to raise your kids. This is just meant to be friendly advice.)
  20. I remember another thread that did that. It was the Caption The Avatar Above You thread that was started by @little_girl_lost, if I'm not mistaken.
  21. I love those helmets! Kinda reminds me of the red University of Houston helmets. (Also, we're gonna win at least six games this year. We're not gonna be the worst team in the division either. That's still reserved for the Jaguars.)
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