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Everything posted by Insipid

  1. I dropped my PA ballot off today. It was at a ski lodge. There were people supervising the ballot box. I was in and out. So much quicker than in-person voting on election day.
  2. I keep getting texts from this thing called "We won't stop calling, we won't stop texting.' Eat shit and die.
  3. Spanish is a highly logical language, despite still having gendered nouns, a concept I find pretty stupid. I've heard that the subjunctive mood is hard for native English speakers to master, as it doesn't happen that often in English compared to Spanish. I guess I'll see soon.
  4. I mean, Starbucks has those spinach feta wraps and shit. the annoying one posted BK, so I thought you responded with another abbreviation of a place, SB. I recall you saying you skip dinner sometimes. I thought you may have been high and decided to just have some pumpkin spice drinks for dinner. Yeah, I over analyzed this for no reason too.
  5. Starbucks? I had chicken biryani.
  6. I think I'm gonna actively avoid political news from now until the end of the election. I learned my lesson from 2016; I will actually vote and I will ignore the polls. I did my part with early voting. I feel the rest now is highly speculative bullshit meant to placate and fear-monger.
  7. I still really like sushi. It's just there are so many other foods that are better. Cooked seafood is better. I really want to eat bouillabaisse one day again.
  8. I might have to commit seppuku with this one: sushi is overrated. 😭
  9. Thanks, I always thought Joy reminded me of someone, and this pic helped me . . . she reminds me of Envy morphing as Hughes's wife.
  10. "Butt bees" refers to a viral urban legend or meme that started circulating online as a joke. It involves fictional scenarios where people are told to beware of "butt bees," as if there were bees targeting people’s backsides. The whole idea is intentionally absurd, creating a sense of humor that’s both ridiculous and vaguely alarming—perfect for internet meme culture! There’s no real situation involving bees that specifically targets one’s butt, so you don’t need to worry about encountering them in real life (and your bee sting allergy is safe from this particular meme).
  11. It's not a uniquely Ameican phenomenon. Look at the country with the lowest birth rate in the world. https://www.npr.org/2024/04/10/1243819495/elections-reveal-a-growing-gender-divide-across-south-korea
  12. The growing divide between men and women is a legitimate issue Pat and I brought up earlier in this thread. This is gonna cause the birth rate to plummet. Unlike conservatives who just look to the past with rose tinted glasses, I think population decline will ultimately be a good thing for humanity and the planet as a whole.
  13. Interesting fact: LBJ was the last Democrat president to die, over 50 years ago. In many ways, Jimmy Carter is an anomaly.
  14. Russian sounds like mumbling from a cock shoved deep in the throat, amirite?
  15. gyoza and tuna chanpuru Why did they spell it like that, Samurai Champloo?
  16. I had chorozontacos with raw habanero peppers. Way too spicy. Should have stuck with the jalapenos.
  17. I just saw a Constitution Party ad about black abortions. Huge wtf moment. Here's another one with a similar message. The guy openly stated he just wants to prevent people voting for Harris.
  18. ChatGPT is very fun for ridiculous scenarios. I just had it write a Danganronpa style adventure where Princess Peach is murdered and Sephiroth is falsely accused. Sephiroth escapes, as does Wario, the true culprit. Everyone else left got executed, like Cloud and Mario. I did not choose who did what.
  19. I asked ChatGPT to write a short srory relevant to your interesrs, ghostie. I liked it: Godzilla's Family Dinner Kagome sat at the dinner table, staring at her chopsticks, feeling a little uneasy. She had faced demons, time travel, and a half-dog-boy with serious anger issues, but nothing prepared her for this. Her father, the mighty Godzilla, sat across from her, his massive tail twitching behind him. He tried to be subtle, but the way the tail knocked over a lamp said otherwise. "Kagome, why aren't you eating?" her mother asked, smiling politely as if her husband wasn’t a 300-foot lizard. Kagome forced a smile. “Just… not that hungry.” Godzilla grumbled softly, the kind of grumble that caused a minor earthquake outside. "You need to eat, Kagome. You’re a growing girl." She sighed. “Dad, I’m 15. I’ve grown.” Her father huffed, sending a small gust of wind that blew her hair back. "Nonsense. You’re still a little baby lizard in my eyes." Kagome’s face turned red, and not just because of the steam still coming from the rice bowl. “Dad, I’m human. Not a—" Her mother cut in quickly, sensing a dangerous rise in the family tension. “So, honey, how was school today?” she asked, placing a plate of roasted fish in front of Godzilla, which seemed like a weird choice of food for a monster that could level cities. Kagome shrugged, poking at her rice. “It was okay. Just a normal day.” Her father narrowed his eyes. “No demon attacks?” Kagome shook her head. "Nope. Not since Naraku disappeared. Though…" she hesitated. Godzilla leaned in, interested. "Though?" She bit her lip. "Inuyasha… he kind of tried to pick a fight with me again." Godzilla’s eyes glowed with a fiery intensity. "What did you say?" "Nothing! He’s just… being Inuyasha. You know, typical grumpy half-demon stuff." Godzilla stood up abruptly, knocking over his chair. "That boy needs to learn some respect! I will not have my daughter treated like that!" Kagome groaned, covering her face with her hands. "Please, no. Last time you got involved, half the forest was vaporized." "That was an accident," Godzilla said, pouting. Kagome’s mother patted his massive arm gently. "Dear, remember, Kagome can handle herself." "That’s not the point!" he boomed, making the house shake a little. "I have to protect her. I’m Godzilla, King of the Monsters!" "And she’s Kagome, Queen of Being Over It," Kagome muttered under her breath. By the end of dinner, Godzilla had calmed down, mostly because they promised to take him to the beach the next day. Kagome slumped in her chair, exhausted, but at least thankful she had survived another typical family dinner with the King of the Monsters.
  20. If you mean literally because he wore that stupid bandage on his ear for a while, then sure. Otherwise, his image in any sense of the word has not changed much.
  21. 😂 https://www.newsweek.com/mcdonalds-donald-trump-worked-failed-last-health-inspection-1971998
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