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Everything posted by Nablonsky

  1. Electriclarryland
  2. Chode Island
  3. More like beastseller
  4. A loveless sham of a marriage to the only woman who would have him. Alas, he couldn't unsee her as the swamp cryptid that others had labeled/accurately described her as being, leading him to return here to falsely claim to be single and flirt with women (and maybe men too, given his history of doing that in this community), all in stark blasphemous violation of the holy vow he made on his wedding day in front of god and everybody.
  5. Yes, I definitely knew this would happen
  6. Rubbing a bad charm with holy fingers
  7. Mission accomplished. He looks like a better Jordan Clarkson out there, baller. Love how Andrew Wiggins is a real Guy now. When I'm watching these games it feels like Tatum isn't as good as either Jaylen Brown or Marcus Smart. And idk how the Celts don't just try to kill Golden State with Robert Williams the guy looks like an unstoppable giant against Draymond Green. But I get that he's playing injured.
  8. Slouch Buhkota
  9. I'm sorry I developmental disorder'd out and regurgitated another all too familiar rambling rehashed post when I first read this. This is interesting and obviously correct, but it is also a very big mass metaphysical event that is difficulty to understand and describe. What sorts of things do you think about on this topic? What is the shift in people's minds that needs to happen? And then I start thinking about what sorts of things can help bring that about and what are the most visible and widely psychically damaging people and forces and collectives that work against these changes in thinking
  10. By actively helping to contribute to the conditions that make it increasingly like he will become president again, just like Obama and party leadership and the Hillary campaign did the first time they got that clown got elected. This is exactly how the Dems would govern and behave if they were completely controlled by the Trump campaign, they really couldn't play it any better for his re-election chances than exactly what they have been doing for the last 18 months.
  11. Shit ass broke, shit ass broke
  12. He made a new name and started posting on here a couple years ago pretending to be a new user like you are, flirted with female users and told them he had never been married when in fact wife-posting had been a central part of his presence, later admitted that he was in fact the married guy we all knew he was pretending to not be, claimed that he was only on here lying about not being married while talking to women because his marriage was under heavy strain at the time and he thought divorce was imminent, and oh yeah, the sole reason he gave for why his marriage was about to break was..... Some posts made by somebody on here accurately describing the physical form of the wife he was shamefully lying about being married to. That's what he claimed almost broke his marriage, somebody on the internet plainly stating what his wife looked like. Can you believe that? I mean, What sort of man blames some internet posts for affecting how he looks at his wife, for almost destroying his marriage? Oh, he also created fake girl accounts and would flirt and catfish and have cyber sex with male users here. I still wonder if his wife ever knew about THAT side of him. Boy, there's a lot more I can say but that's a good primer. But you say you aren't him, so we don't have to worry about any of that with you!
  13. EXACTLY. It is a very funny story indeed, I'm laughing already. Welcome, new user! Hey, since you're unfamiliar with some of the local legends around here would you like me to fill you in on what this *other* Porcupine Tree guy is like? The one who used the same avatar that you were rocking earlier in the week? Would you like me to recount some of those old forum tales to you? Happy to do it! Please just let me know. Please
  14. No no, it's fine, clearly I was wildly off the mark here lol. Let's just proceed with this understanding in place. This is a new user who is only familiar with some local clown lore and not others, and definitely nothing involving a wife... I can work with that again hahaha
  15. You...you do realize you went with not only a Porcupine Tree screen name, but also an avatar of the Porcupine Tree guy...the exact same guy you used as an avatar the last time you played this "who what sorry I'm new" game... Actually, did you even realize that lol...? Either way, carry on this will be fun 😊
  16. I'm sorry, did things not work out between you and Fiona? I honestly had no idea and am surprised to hear you arent married anymore. Kinda figured you two would stay married to each other because, well come on, I mean you were perfect for each other! Wait . . . Hold on a minute. This isn't like the last time you denied being married while talking to other women on here, but then later admitted that you had been lying? Tell me we aren't doing that again, because that was just shameful.
  17. The Democrats have done less than nothing to stop Trump from becoming president again. Hell they still haven't even bothered to change many Trump-era policies and appointments such as Postmaster General DeJoy who tried to use his position to help Trump overturn the election. Everyone was calling me impatient for asking why he was still in power A FULL YEAR AGO and here we are, with the USPS still withering away under Trump's boy. Dems don't care, why should we?
  18. Oh, what the hell. How's the wife?
  19. I could give you a hint, but I may already have just by making this post.
  20. Consider this - maybe a 3rd party will never win, but historically, it takes a left wing party getting a significant number of votes (enough to sway elections) over multiple elections in order to make the Democratic party act significantly less evil than what we have had for the last several decades. The Dems have always been trash unless there was a strong socialist third party presence, like what we had in this country 100 years ago, which led to the Dems significantly improving and giving people things and reasons to vote for them, which led to decades of Democratic political dominance in this country. If you want the Dems to do better, if you want the Dems to win and not immediately lose to the GOP the very next election as a result of their naked evil and disregard for the people who vote for them like what happens now, then you will consider costing the Dems elections -- not by staying home and abstaining from voting, and obviously not by voting for the Republicans, but by voting for a party to the left of the Democrats. "A third party will never win" =/= "there is never any reason to vote for a third party." Personally, I don't think the Dems will change at this point. I believe that we need a third party to ultimately subsume and replace the Democratic party, but if you don't believe that -- if you do in fact believe the Dem party can be reformed, if you believe that control of this current incarnation of this party that has been totally captured by capital and imperial interests can in fact be wrested away from those forces and made to serve the people in a way that it absolutely has no interest in doing currently, then it seems that your prescription for how to do that would be the same as what I am suggesting -- vote left. Vote third party, vote Green, vote CPUSA, vote PSL, vote for whichever left wing candidate makes it onto the ballot where you are (NOT Libertarian!), and put a scare in them. Stand up and be counted among those who vote to the left of the Democratic party. If the DNC calls your bluff and refuses to get any less evil, if they really are content to lose election after election and remain right wing evil empire demons rather than change to become a not actively evil political force the way we can all agree they are right now, then keep voting for that third party and let's replace them altogether. Either way, the answer right now seems to be - stop voting for them! "Dems are lesser evil than Republicans by a few metrics and otherwise are mostly indistinguishable, getting worse and more right wing with every election cycle..... Hmm, but the Republicans keep getting worse too..... Guess that means I just have to keep voting for increasingly degraded versions of this Democratic party forever....Oh, well" No. No. No. Are you going to make me post the thing? I'm going to post the thing, because we're seeing this in action every day with all the policies and appointments of the Trump era that have remained in place since 2020. I'm sorry, but if we're going to change politics in this country it's not going to be by voting for the Bernie's who run as Dems and get squashed by this party which is actively hostile to Bernie's platform. It's only by listening to what presidential candidate Bernie actually said -- millions of us need to rise up (not stay home) and demand a political revolution in this country (voting for a party far to the left of what the Democrats are currently offering, their transparent campaign lied notwithstanding) Otherwise, nothing will change. It's increasingly clownish to tell people to vote Dem when their window is rapidly closing. This is a party that very well may never control the Senate again after this decade. This is a party that has allowed Republicans to gerrymander themselves permanent victories in many places while getting fewer votes than the Democrats. It is simply time to do something else right now.
  21. Very excited for the new Built to Spill album. They've played this song at live shows for years, glad to hear it on an official recording and now I'm hoping other songs I already know are included.
  22. Jorgay (Pronounced "whore gay")
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