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Everything posted by Nablonsky

  1. Archived how? As in -- will DF and Rants now be viewable and accessible to the public and show up in Google searches? Or will they remain private with a membership and/or post count restriction to see them? Presumably the latter but jw. Also if/when this noble experiment does end next year for the 20th anniversary, will the site be archived/set to read-only, or will once again all our posts be deleted? And if everything won't be hidden/deleted when the site is over, what will the status of DF be at this point as far as who can view its contents, how public will any lasting archive be? Some longer term considerations and concerns, not expecting any immediate answers just something for admins to think about.
  2. Any chance you guys are gonna need an extra mod?
  3. Sick as it sounds I'm almost thinking about watching Dynamite again tonight. Last week was so unbelievably horrible top to bottom, I mostly just want to see how bad they continue flubbing Wardlow by pairing him against Sky and the MMA guy
  4. I remember you said basically the same sentiment a couple weeks ago.
  5. Exactly right. If they hold on to power in TX, if they strengthen their hold on power, then they aren't "hamstrung" by anything. It doesn't matter how much Democrats cry about how bad the Republicans are, that has never mattered or affected anything. It will never win the Dems elections.
  6. Dem voters are like "hmmm, interesting you spend so much time criticizing the police who failed to prevent the Uvalde massacre but comparatively little condemning the mass murderer, wonder why that is. Do you just love mass shootings or something...? I'm not saying the police are perfect, I myself wish they would do better, but it's pretty sus how much you're focusing on their failure to ever effectively do anything to protect us from the spree shooters of yesterday, today, and tomorrow when they're all we have standing between us and total oblivion! 'Defund the police...?' Sounds like you want the spree shooters to win!!! BACK THE BLUE, NO MATTER WHO!"
  7. Nobody is saying this . . . they are responsible for making a criminal referral to the DOJ, that is what is being discussed. What...? No, it absolutely isn't. Hard disagree. Where? Not in the article I linked. Also how is that neutral then like you were just claiming is their job? Are they staying neutral, or are they being quoted as wanting criminal charges -- which is it?
  8. It's more than one guy on the investigative committee, it's multiple, if you reread. It absolutely tells me everything i need to know. They aren't going to do anything except cry. If you want to hope for anything more than that be my guest, but as far as I can tell it isn't happening.
  9. https://thehill.com/homenews/sunday-talk-shows/3529118-lofgren-on-trump-criminal-referral-justice-department-has-to-make-its-own-decision/
  10. Is this the one who took her from you? https://unevenedge.com/profile/1548-kagomes_luver2789/
  11. The Democrats would NEVER
  12. I guess it made more sense for the city to do the festival and all of that on Saturday because Saturday, idk.
  13. The city does a big Juneteenth thing downtown where all sorts of vendors and bounce houses and food trucks and etc are set up for crowds to mill around basically. My org had a booth so I put in a few hours there handing stuff out and talking to people.
  14. It was 58 this morning and it felt freezing I loved it.
  15. And no matter how bad local cops fuck up there's always state and federal cops to back up their bullshit and cover as much cop ass as possible. Fortunately in this case there's video so their lies can't go uncontested but I doubt we'll get anything out of this other than maybe a limited hangout for the commanding officer guy and yet more funding for the police, as always. Maybe these cops just need more military grade weapons and to go train with the IDF in Israel like so many other American police departments do, ingrain that warzone occupying soldier mentality /s
  16. Here is the non-paywall article from the tweet. Lying coward cops, every word they say should always be suspect unless they can prove on video that what they're saying isn't the complete fictitious opposite of what actually happened, in any situation. https://archive.ph/ZMkGB
  17. Yet another reminder that the police are LITERALLY ALWAYS LYING. And there are NEVER ANY CONSEQUENCES FOR IT weird I wonder if these two things are related
  18. I'm interested.
  19. Let me know if you need any help finding your way around or moderating any forum situations, that's what I'm here for.
  20. Take it from me OP, this guy needs some serious help. What have you got for him?
  21. Take an eighth, save the other eighth. Two solid trips
  22. Well to be fair if they've been around for a couple weeks they've probably seen him do it a few hundred times by now.
  23. Hell. You live in hell.
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