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Everything posted by JeNewBee

  1. Ugh...right then >.>
  2. No but you both might be WALKING HOME! If you two don't get your acts together.
  4. Hey @The Hound @Still Me you are both stupid, So shut up!
  5. Did it get deleted?
  6. Already iron in meat Carrot are full of Vitamin A We don't make anything from what we eat We absorb it and after that what is left is shit
  7. If you didn't vehement is spelled with a H Also vehemous isn't a word so you should have used vehemently
  8. So, no one? @CAC 😂
  9. Dirt hippies, Punks and Goths
  10. Hasn't Tuxedo Mask beat Sailor Moon before? Also aren't most of Sailor Moon's enemies female? So couldn't one argue Sailor Moon's weakness is Men? Also wouldn't that kind of make it a stale mate?
  11. I don't understand why they found the need to add cream to that isn't Sriracha! And Subway does the same damn thing!
  12. People ignoring this gold T_T Monsters THE WHOLE LOT OF YA!!!
  13. Maybe that was what the plan was the whole time
  14. Same guy that wrote that wrote this
  15. Yes you are This isn't a creep thing to do Making this thread That is a thing a creep would do
  16. On one of her post write "I miss you" But if she replies ignore it And if she DM Asking about it Be evasive change the topic
  17. Other neighbor got some good ones also
  18. I wish I had gotten a better photo of it
  19. Not a great photo but is the brown thing near the top
  20. WTF moment for sure Magpies were harassing it Thing is freaking huge Also our neighbor who alerted us to it said there was another one flying around earlier
  21. Pretty sure they were already on drugs This was just when Vince Clarke was still there and wrote most of their songs before Martin Gore took over after he left
  22. Isn't Enjoy The Silence about struggling with heroin addiction?
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