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Everything posted by JeNewBee

  1. Doesn't look middle eastern to me
  2. Pretty sure your anxieties are just annoying them Probably just mixing that up with hate It'll probably pass after you get them under control Your Anxieties not your matriarchs and patriarchs Don't try to control people
  3. Guy looks kind of like @Rogue_Alphonse
  4. Not yet I'm super prone to experiencing insomnia
  5. I was up second energy drink I got well yesterday morning technically now was available just thought okay I'm okay with this
  6. So what's up?
  7. JeNewBee


    Two lips Tulips Two lips
  8. Might be a Saiga Antelope
  9. 2 and half years older than me Only have one sibling so
  10. About everyone else not being as concerned as you are is concerning
  11. You aren't initially slightly intimidated when a tall person approaches you I usually get a startled reaction
  12. Not for you Your one of the smurfs
  13. Tall people are scarier tho
  14. Friend or social life?
  15. I was thinking more height and aesthetically I'm tall and a guy I mean my friend is >_>
  16. Probably easier for you
  17. I'm asking for......a friend >_>
  18. You have to time it right and sometimes they waste a lot of ammo trying to bring down your base
  19. Yeah to protect from from bullet fire and the set up launch pads to travel or to set traps
  20. I build so does pretty everyone in the matches I've played in
  21. You've mixing up graphic and gameplay again More realistic graphics don't make a game fun
  22. Fortnite: Battle Royal is free you should download it
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