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  1. I'm going to get some breakfast... I better not be banned when I get back, Pat! That would be a dick move...
  2. I was trying to fall asleep a couple nights ago so I just put on some random spooky stories playlist or whatever. Trying to doze off and I notice the ad has been playing for a little while so I roll over and the ad that's playing is over an hour long. It made me angry in my bones. Think I might just subscribe to YouTube Red or whatever it is these days again. The ads are getting ridiculous again.
  3. I'm not sure I understand the context enough to get it. That said, live Twitch streams give me a legitimate anxiety attack. There's just so much crap on the screen.
  4. Just dumping a bunch I've been saving the past few months because the fascist mods irrationally won't let me breathe life into their dying site. This isn't even all of them, just the ones I remembered to Bookmark.
  5. I'm hoping they get desperate enough to play another T**** impeachment. See what I did there? I censored his name. Which is something that actual real people like Stephen Colbert actually really do on their show. Because they're insane.
  6. Hey. As long as he was for fair trade deals and a secure border, I'd vote for him.
  7. The 'Goofy Movie' one really gets to me. Almost brings a tear to the eye. Such simpler times.
  8. I'm thinking if I'm going to be able to get my amp out of the pawn shop by the end of next month. Prognosis is grim.
  9. You're either brave or stupid. Most people are fleeing liberal blue city hellholes. Oh well, to each his own. Try not to get robbed or shot.
  10. Because liquid NyQuil is 10% ABV. This is why you may even be asked to show ID before purchasing. Combined w/ the dissociative DXM and antihistamine doxylamine succinate it's a potent cocktail if you're looking for a relatively cheap and shitty high (or possibly a "sleep aid"). Just beware the the acetaminophen content. Too much of that can cause fatal liver failure.
  11. I'm just a clown passing the last few turns on his coil.
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