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  1. What do you mean you... ... oh nevermind.
  2. Appreciate that! I moved back to my home state over a decade ago now. Life's good. No complaints. Glad you are here now as many of you were back then.
  3. Damn... Godspeed Saddy.
  4. For a hot minute back then I was working overnights in a low-income housing project. 10pm to 6am if I'm remembering right... Lotsa coffee, scrolling babbling, music, watching security cams and coast to coast am streams back then. Wouldn't exactly say I miss it, but it def had its charms. Good to see some names still here.
  5. Honestly, even if I did, it's been so long I can't remember haha.
  6. Wasn't too weird... Just a little off-beat. I'll give in though, he was pretty funny from time to time.
  7. I mean... Are we really missing them?
  8. It's statistically probable that if you ask 1,000,000 people out on a date at least one will go on a date with you. You gotta make the odds your bitch my dude.
  9. I mean their sauce is dope... Might make a decent chaser after cheapass whisky. Lol.
  10. Hell no mang... Wtf
  11. Proto was unable to help on this one. They sell a repair kit for this wrench since it's still in production though. I might pick one up just to replace the springs which have lost some bounce back over the years. Might see if my buddy can sandblast and powder coat the gear/drive assembly as well. Think I found a new hobby at least lol.
  12. I like how he had to stop himself from getting political in there... Just like a grandpa haha
  13. Haha, this old man was great. Thanks for sharing
  14. Yeah that's why I stayed away. Loctites version of Naval Jelly is not safe for chrome according to their website so I stayed way. I was reading up on Oxalic Acid baths and they seem pretty legit. A lot of bikers use them on their chrome frames. It's a 24-hour process though. And used the stuff in the tube since it's what I had laying around. I emailed the folks at Proto's (now Stanley Tools) torque wrench repair headquarters to see what lube they recommended with respect to the tools age. Customer service directed me to them. Not sure if they'll be able to help but it's worth a shot.
  15. Right on. Any advantages to electrolysis vs other methods? I was interested in converting the rust or stopping the process completely. The oxalic acid in Bar Keepers Friend removes the rust, but that's about it I think. I used white lithium grease on the innards, it's already started to bunch up though and I just put in a light coating.
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