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Everything posted by Sawdy

  1. @Still Me hope you out there getting that good dicken get fukt!
  2. “Brilliant Judge” and her experience?
  3. I just wouldn’t trust them… I look both ways down a one way street man
  4. My god… are those plastic ramps?
  5. Fetterman wins… hopefully he just hulk smashes in the senate… if Oz wins…. Well, pop the popcorn and buckle up
  6. Fighter 7 needs to be unlocked still
  7. Damn, glad you are ok LGL.
  8. The last one I can try and jack it too… idk
  9. You don’t think… We know this about you.
  10. There is a third option, of feigning a hero, or someone of virtue…. And lying.. not sure what that’s called in the Batman movies… a liar I guess
  11. Iiiiiiiii clooooseeee my eeyyyeees only for a moment and the moments gone!
  12. The people in England, and I get it… I don’t get it, but they are saying, “I just hope Charles has the same empathy has our queen” and…… coach me… what do they actually do?
  13. Top… gun…. Holy shit!!! I remember that top gear episode that got banned for talking about that conflict! you’re fucking James May!
  14. Any idea what got her? Was it the Rona ?
  15. Anyone got eyes on Andrew?
  16. She will be back… with more powaaah! but seriously, nobody here is living that long.
  17. She only stayed in the game to beat out Betty White
  18. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/09/08/doctors-concerned-for-queen-elizabeths-health-buckingham-palace-says.html?__source=androidappshare
  19. Comedy Central is playing the star trek cartoons right now, they aren’t too bad.
  20. Yeah I agree forgiveness doesn’t go far enough…. Sadly the next President is going scorched earth.
  21. 💯 guess what? We’d find the money… the lie that was sold is, we can’t print money.
  22. Liverpool4life
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