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Everything posted by Sawdy

  1. They looked pissed when they found out they were on candid camera IMG_2579.MOV
  2. I think it’s fucking weird as fuck that sites are attempting to count deaths and destruction as if that is the indicator who is winning or losing… I mean, I guess that’s what the public wants… but who is really winning in any of this besides the oligarchs controlling the staple resources impacted in everything involved.
  3. Dude is just spittin facts… what’s the issue?
  4. The things I do indoors are frowned upon outdoors…. Serious answer - I do… I have a few spots in the state parks here where I can just sit and read or fish, and no cell phone service… it’s amazing.
  5. I’m convinced if you say so
  6. IMG_2473.MOV
  7. Ahhh, nevermind
  8. 😂 IMG_2463.MOV
  9. Data tells the story… she’s right at face value for sure. https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/country_result.jsp?country=Japan
  10. I’ve seen that asshole torn up like a cheddar bay biscuit so many times I just hate to ever lose this reference
  11. Well… maybe they DO need some work to align their folks… IMG_2453.MOV
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