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Everything posted by Sawdy

  1. @katt_goddess
  2. This was the best comment of the day and it went unnoticed… we are slipping…
  3. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna43777 sad turtle noises…. And it’s like, he’s saying PA without saying PA
  4. Yeah same here… bars open till 2 tho… but that doesn’t help me anymore lol
  5. One thousand eight hundred eight three - that’s the year my dear moms water blew hazyish until this morning
  6. Controlling any narrative either side wanted the towns to believe, and one persons opinion while playing a dangerous game of whisper down the alley too. by the time it got to 15 towns down the line it was just straight up “purple monkey dishwasher”
  7. Which is fair, I get it. Just hits when you didn’t have a plan for it, and that’s on me quite honestly.
  8. https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2022/08/moms-liberty-activist-wants-lgbtq-students-separated-special-classes/ again, we’ve seen this before…. And well, the players are being exposed. They will attempt in the states that they will get the support and further push the agenda. moms for liberty - https://www.momsforliberty.org/about/ Fucking psychos
  9. Was struggling to find anything that is open 24 hours a day now. Needed pedialyte at 12am, and some items that would be easy on a tummy, but learned that absolutely nothing that could provide pedialyte was open and wouldn’t reopen until 6am, even Walmart… guess didn’t ever need it before, but there I was last night.
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