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Everything posted by Sawdy

  1. https://www.wbrc.com/2022/08/24/childersburg-pastor-arrested-while-watering-neighbors-flowers-proceeds-with-discrimination-lawsuit/ Nobody died, but I think it’s obvious… and when the cops were called out, “no sir we don’t racially profiled, but how do we know you’re just watering flowers?”
  2. Fucking bullshit… in the article, it ends with stating statistics of the cops that have been shot and killed… sorry to see this, and how close it is impacting.
  3. Welp, paint me green and call me a pickle because I’m absolutely dilly with this bullshit. my mind is fucked
  4. If he could read, he’d be very upset
  5. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cnbc.com/amp/2022/08/22/white-house-chief-medical-advisor-anthony-fauci-to-step-down-in-december-after-more-than-50-years-of-public-service.html congrats morons… we lost an asset.
  6. …… there is a word for that…
  7. Fuck Brady and Gronk… worthless pieces of shit never done nuttin!
  8. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2022-election/rebuking-new-climate-law-herschel-walker-asks-dont-enough-trees-rcna44331 Dude is fucking tapped.
  9. How much of Rocky Horror Picture Show was scripted and written and how much was just improv? Because… I get the songs but the reactions are subtle to say some of, if not a lot was actual improv
  10. https://www.reuters.com/legal/former-louisville-officer-plead-guilty-breonna-taylor-cover-up-2022-08-23/?utm_source=reddit.com
  11. Most likely wolf spider… it would be hurting like a puncture wound with heat behind it
  12. My friend it didn’t hit her for a day, but it became a bullet hole quickly front there
  13. Looks like a wolf spider but… if it develops necrosis… that’s a brown recluse sista… the bit marks look to far apart tho
  14. https://www.cnn.com/2022/08/21/us/arkansas-officer-punching-video-suspensions/index.html guess they want to see how publicized this becomes and if people riot… to press criminal charges At a minimum aggravated assault
  15. https://cen.acs.org/business/petrochemicals/Dow-wants-small-nuclear-reactors/100/i28 what could go wrong?
  16. Would you like to?
  17. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2022/08/21/daughter-putins-rasputin-alexander-dugin-killed-mystery-moscow/
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