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Everything posted by brian_boru

  1. How should I know, I'm not my poofers keeper.
  2. Well, this thread is over.
  3. I mean, she is probably always getting hit on by weirdos.
  4. You only think that because you can't afford a car nabs.
  5. They don't understand a lot of things.
  6. Only if they have made it here by now.
  7. Cut-Me-Own-Throat Dibbler's Sausage Inna Bun.
  8. The vast amount of natural resources?
  9. Do you think buffalos have wings?
  10. Because he can't argue against what you said.
  11. What non capitalist countries?
  12. No, blue rare is the best way to eat steak.
  13. I am pretty sure anime exists because of animators.
  14. The reason you should cook ground meat to at least medium well is not because the meat is worse but because all of the micro organisms that were on the outside of the meat is now on the inside. Because of this it is harder to kill them off by cooking.
  15. But you don't know how to troll.
  16. Sounds like buddy has been reading Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.
  17. Not even forcing their culture on Afghanistan will work.
  18. Can you guys do something about the grey font in the grey boxes?
  19. Look, if corporations didn't want people to pirate their media they wouldn't charge so much for it.
  20. Quick question, are pro genocide posts against the new rules? Or are those posts ones we need to tolerate?
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