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Everything posted by quebecelegy

  1. are you gonna be staff there too
  2. Okay I have been fucking trying to download this fucking piece of shit game for literally two hours, I finished downloading it and I was gonna play a game, right? Well hey, it seems to me that I uh, I don't know, CANNOT ACTUALLY START IT UP? So I go over to the basement, plug my PC onto three monitors like a true hackerman and start working the magic. It took me twenty-five minutes to bloody get the piece of shit validated and guess what it told me. Oh yeah, 3668 files failed to be validated and had to be re-acquired. Okay so that's cool, that's like two hundred megabytes of downloading at max right? WRONG IT'S GOD DAMN SIX GIGS OKAY THANK YOU I DIDN'T SACRIFICE MY SISTER'S VIRGINITY TO THE ANCIENT NORWEGIAN GODS JUST TO BE MISTREATED LIKE THIS. I WENT THROUGH HELL AND BACK TO EVEN GET THIS PIECE OF SHIT GAME AND BOUGHT IT FOR TWENTY EUROS. I THEN BOUGHT SEVERAL OF THE DLC'S; ALTHOUGH NOT MANY, TO SEE TWO YEARS LATER THAT THE BASE GAME IS FREE AND THE DLC'S ARE GONNA BE TOGETHER FOR A FUCKING RIDICULOUS PRICE. COOL MARKETING HAHA I LOVE WHEN WE CARE ABOUT OUR PUBLIC AM I RIGHT? okay almir's beard is pretty cool i'll give you that although you start to look like a homeless person from time to time in the videos BUT THAT DOESN'T CHANGE ANYTHING. LISTEN UP, I AM AN EDGY PERSON WHO JUST WANTS TO PRETEND THAT HE IS CAPABLE OF ROBBING SOME BANKS AND POOR PEOPLE'S MONEY, RUINING THEIR LIVELIHOOD AND DREAMS, NOT ACTUALLY HAVE MY OWN DREAMS AND MONEY BROKEN IN THE WAY. I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS, I AM GOING TO ROB A BANK PERSONALLY BECAUSE IT'S GONNA BE CHEAPER AND FASTER THAN PLAYING ONE ACTUAL HEIST OF THIS GAME
  3. is that the same dude she had pictures with in a club? i thought they had another kid for some reason. didn't know this was their first.
  4. i think they're still together though. iirc she was a radio show and they even asked her about it. i dont remember exactly what she said, but im pretty sure it was a non-answer.
  5. i thought she cheated on him with a football player not too long ago. there were pics and everything
  6. review when??
  7. what exactly happened?
  8. are you hitting on zeni wtf
  9. yeah if someone sent me bad songs constantly i'd be pretty pissed
  10. now THIS is podracing
  11. wow, do you hate america or something?
  12. So hold them really tight in your hand to muffle the sound.
  13. very important message for all americans from a brave man.
  14. i like my women like i like my coffee hot and all over my face
  15. east coast is flat breast coast but that's ok, because i go both ways
  16. quebecelegy


    congrats ur pregnant
  17. wow wtf, it's still the 3rd on the west coast, thanks for spoiling it for me
  18. it seemed kinda cool at first, and i love kathryn prescott in anything she's in, but the trailer just turned into final destination or w/e
  19. quebecelegy


    holy fuck... that thread about me trying to be a :420: merchant was on the other boards right...
  20. quebecelegy


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