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Everything posted by quebecelegy

  1. lmao i think there's no chance of him coming back
  2. kingWESTPARK, kingofasmbPARK, WESTPARKahoe, basketballamerican, buckintherutPARK
  3. damn zeni, looks like you dodged a bullet there AND BTFO someone 8)
  4. wtf i dont even know how inb4 virus inb4 bot inb4 dude
  5. yeah a lot of mtv shows have amazing music
  6. episode that's on right now is prob the worst one ever
  7. i only go for mcgriddles nowadays before my runs
  8. it seems like it'd be pretty awkward if your catfish isn't as attractive as you thought and ur just like aw shit how do i get through this without coming off as an asshole. even though the other person is a much bigger asshole. like there's not really another show that's as insightful towards people in that way. has there ever been an episode where the catfish is hotter than the person they pretended to be?
  9. ive spent the majority of my teen years between asmb and asmb related stuff, steam, mal, and 4chan of all of those places, asmb was the one with the funniest and unique people. i doubt my life would've been better if i had been doing something else instead of being on asmb the last 5 years. a shame it's not the same as it was.
  10. S tier: soccer, playoff baseball, playoff hockey, mma, wrestling A tier: regular hockey, regular baseball B tier: basketball, playoff football F tier: regular football with commercials stuffed in your face every 30 secs zzzzz tier: golf, impact wrestling
  11. gta online was fun, but idk why i could only do a couple different heist missions and even then not enough people were playing other missions just being lols random. maybe ill give it another try.
  12. i was eating some regular froot loops for the first time in forever
  13. great year to be a type-moon fag like moi
  14. we just need those maga icons next to usernames
  15. I'm so distressed right now I don't know what to do. I'm literally in shock from the result. I feel like I'm going to explode. Why the fucking fuck did she lose? This can't be happening. I'm having a fucking breakdown. I don't want to believe ronda isn't #1. I want a future to believe in. I want ronda to be champ again and empower me. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I thought edmond was training her boxing well?? This is so fucked.
  16. u really think u could take ronda in a fight? please dude, you couldn't even fight that fuking sweater guy from blues clues
  17. faster than u
  18. waht, when was this
  19. yeah, that was kinda weird lol, but im hopeful that if trump ever does support homophobia/blatant racism(which i doubt he's dumb enough to do) that she'll reel him in
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